MAIKONG Metatron 4025 Hunter,3d nls sub health analyzer factory

nls hunter


What is the Human Health Analyzer NLS Hunter?

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Measurement accuracy: 70 million measurement points per organism. The NLS Hunter provides large scale virtual identification models of human organs with an accuracy of 85-99%. The accuracy of the model was 90% in the case of histological virtual organs and 95% in the case of cytological and genetic structures. The device’s resonance chamber can explore a variety of chemical and biological products to analyze features and their impact on actual patients.
The NLS Hunter with Metapathia 3 software can identify premature tumors, multiple sclerosis and other diseases in infancy, analyze them and send information about their progression. The NLS Hunter is a revolutionary diagnostic system that uses the most modern components and software to create possibilities for physicians to identify many diseases in infancy (e.g., tumor stage, multiple sclerosis, etc.).
-Early identification of infantile and prolonged illnesses.
-Create blood and hormone analysis.
-Activates a vicarious body response through transfer therapy.
-Destructive effects on microorganisms.
-Identify parasites such as: intestinal parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses, microplasmodium.
-Identify allergens.
-In terms of its action and tolerability, drug analysis and testing, subsequent nutrition, suitable specimens, homeopathic specimens, ointments, creams and dental materials are performed.

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What NLS Hunter can do?

Vegeto test cup on the body.
Supports saving health products or software in software. People can recommend their parasites to customers.

Main analytical functions.

1. Show dissected biofield energies 1-6.
2. Red and blue show high and low biofield charges.
3. Standard coefficients for pathological morphology of the biofield.
4. Entropy (disorder) analysis valuation 1-7.
5. Vegeto testing to indicate optimal response frequency/remediation.
6. Microbial biofield analysis.

Alternative diagnosis.

Hand and foot BAP assessment

Auditory diagnosis


Corrective measures.

metaphorical therapy



Prepare for production.

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Where do I need NLS Hunter?

Anyone interested in quickly and efficiently checking the health of patients, clients, friends, family or employees can use NLS Hunter.Accurate analysis is a driving factor in our company and no matter who you are or what you do, you will be well informed by the information you collect from NLS Hunter equipment and everyone you work with will be well informed.
Keep in mind that information is gathered at the cellular level and the advantage of this diagnostic method is that it is found before anything is proven.
People who fall into any of the following categories will be welcomed, advised and benefit from the use and ownership of the NLS Hunter biofeedback device

Family doctor – the device detects and monitors the expression of genetic disorders in all family members

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nls bioresonance

Clinical and medical units – greatly improving the efficiency of clinical examinations and initial admissions. Significantly reduces financial costs and time. The physician is exempt from routine and frequent formal work. Without referring your client to another specialist, you can help them by examining all of their concerns and offering treatment and rehabilitation methods.

Educational facilities and schools – the ability to become a truly continuous monitor of the health of all children and staff, and to assess the health status of students not less than once a month.

Sports, recreation centers and fitness facilities – objective medical monitoring is required when performing strenuous exercise. The device allows us to consider the characteristics of the organism to create individual programs.

Family and Friends – Joma NLS Hunter is a great tool for monitoring the health of family and friends. A way to provide screening, treatment and rehabilitation without spending a lot of money on health care services.

Cosmetic and spa salon – focused on the health of the client – a very competitive trump card. An objective assessment of the client allows for the selection of a personalized cosmetic plan with considerable results.

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Who needs NLS Hunter?

The NLS Hunter is for everyone.

The NLS Hunter system is available to anyone and everyone interested in taking control of their health. The NLS Hunter system can be used by anyone who needs treatment to recover from a health imbalance and needs to take preventive measures to monitor the frequency of health use. Our team of experts is committed to providing the highest quality training at affordable prices to make you an expert in our system as well as a health expert. Online private training is free and ongoing. By appointment, you can have as many meetings with one of our trainers as possible and continue your NLS Hunter education. Invite everyone to try the NLS Hunter biofeedback system.

family doctor

Family physicians have a unique opportunity to use the NLS Hunter Biofeedback system in their practice because they already have a client base and have established a level of trust with their patients. The NLS Hunter system is a non-invasive, very simple tool. If the patient is experiencing difficult health symptoms at any time, then the doctor can use the NLS Hunter system to identify where the frequency imbalance is and determine how to bring it back into balance to help the patient recover.

Clinics and medical facilities

The NLS Hunter biofeedback system facilitates clinical acceptance. This approach will not only help you save time, but also reduce the cost of the analysis process. The NLS Hunter system can help you make a diagnosis without having to send your patient to a specialist. The NLS Hunter system allows you to examine all the problems a patient may be experiencing and can provide you with treatment and rehabilitation options. NLS Hunter is very detailed and provides the information needed to address patients’ unique health issues without invasive procedures and expensive testing.

Educational institutions and employers

A monthly health checkup can be an important step towards preventative health, and could lead to any future problems. Knowing what imbalances exist in the body can lead to treatment options to avoid serious illness in the future. Providing health scans to staff and students will limit future health costs and ensure the health of students and staff.

Sports, recreation centres and fitness facilities

It’s important to constantly monitor your health when you’re doing serious exercise. Providing health scans as part of an exercise program can benefit both the athlete and the facility by avoiding long-term health problems caused by overeating specific foods or excessive exercise. The NLS Hunter system provides food suggestion options and body vitamin level testing to ensure everything is in order.

friends and relatives

NLS Hunter biofeedback devices can help you monitor the health of your friends and family. You can easily scan family members and see imbalances, monitor and provide treatment to balance them. By discovering this process ahead of time and healing it naturally, thousands of dollars in medical bills have been saved for the entire family and a terminal illness has been avoided.

Cosmetics and Spa Salon

Those interested in better health and a younger appearance must first understand the internal condition of their organs, tissues and cells. It’s important to look great and feel great, but it’s also important to stay healthy from the inside out so you can enjoy these luxuries for a long and healthy life. NLS Hunter Biofeedback performs healthy scans of skin tissue, blood cells and other aesthetic-related areas. Very few of our clients are spa owners, so if you are interested in learning more about their experience, please send us an email.

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We are MAIKONG 3d nls health analyzer | 3d nls health analyzer price | Metatron 4025 Hunter | original 3d DIACOM nls|,manufacturers Unified Wholesale price.Welcome to inquiry and OEM.

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