A:OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE WITH THE PROGRAM “DIACOM-NLS” 1. To find on the working table of computer mark “DIACOM-NLS”, twice to click on the small square with the pointer by the left key for mouse. 2. So that the program would be opened, apparatus must be connected into the network and the head sets they must be on the head in doctor-operator or in patient. 3. The title page of program is opened. After checking of Soma- ports is applied the mouse pointer to the key THE RECEPTION OF PATIENTS and we click one time by the left key for the mouse (further and everywhere words “to harvest key” they will indicate to find key and to click from it by the left key for mouse). 4. Is opened window CARD INDEX. 5. We press key PATIENT in the upper left angle. 6. In the opened menu we press word NEW. 7. We fill the appeared card of patient, we press [OK]. 8. Is opened window INTERACTIVE ANALYSIS with the figure of the human body. In order to gather complaints, we press point, which is located on the organ, to work of which the complaints (for example, on the heart, if they are presented complaint of palpitation) are presented. The color of point must be changed from the red to the green. In by right window appears the list of the complaints, characteristic for damaging the chosen organ. We note necessary with the aid of [galochki], which we place with the aid of the flick of the left key for mouse in the small aperture next to the complaint. 9. After the collection of anamnesis we press key CORRECTION. 10. Is opened window THE COLLECTION OF INFORMATION. To harvest the key AUTO TUNE, then immediately to key STEALTH. 11. The complete list of possible of experiments is opened. We conduct the correction of list, placing [galochku] in the window next to that study, which you decided to include in study program. If [galochka] already is – leave her. If by [galochkoj] is noted the study, which to you is not necessary, remove [galochku] by the flick of the left key for mouse in the window with the the [galochkoj]. 12. After finishing the correction of the list of experiments, we press large button START. 13. When a study is finished, appears the table OF A STUDY THEY ARE FINISHED. We press key [OK]. 14. After this, we press key CARD INDEX. 15. Is opened window CARD INDEX. B:Procedure of diagnostics and testing. 1. After the end of a study is opened window THE CARD INDEX. In the list of experiments (lower window) we find the study, which we want to analyze (for example THE REAR WALL OF STOMACH). We separate by his flick of the left key for the mouse in any place of line. Line with a necessary study becomes dark (the isolation of working line it will be further discussed “we separate by dark line”). 2. After this, we press key ANALYSIS. 3. Is opened window ANALYSIS with the large picture of the organ, which we want to analyze. We press key TEST to the right below next to the table, on which is present the graph. C: Diagnostics 1. It is opened for conducting of diagnostics and testing. 2. In order to conduct diagnostics, it is necessary to isolate by [galochkami] from THE LIST OF GROUPS (upper window) PATHOMORPHOLOGY (histological diagnosis) and NOSOLOGIC FORMS (complex diagnosis). 3. Appear diagnoses in the lower window of THE LIST OF STANDARDS. In order to work with the selected diagnosis, it is necessary to isolate by its dark line, and then (if this necessarily) to tune it with the aid of the key FINE ADJUSTMENT or keys TO TUNE EVERYTHING (then immediately they are adjusted slightly all diagnoses from the list of standards). Further with the selected diagnosis it is possible to carry out entropy analysis, diagnostic [vegeto] test or other diagnostic methods. 4. If th diagnosis e selected by you is reliable, it is necessary to carry it in medical conclusion. For this the selected diagnosis is isolated by the dark line (or it is already isolated) and we press key IN THE PRESS. 5. In order to verify, diagnosis into the epicrisis did fall, press the key EPICRISIS, which is located the hearth of key INTO THE PRESS. After the survey of the opened epicrisis shut it, after harvesting to the small small cross in the upper right-hand corner of window EPICRISIS. 6. Thus we work with each interesting us diagnosis. 7. In order to pass to selection and testing of preparations, press key TO CLEAN above “the list of groups” or remove [galochki] opposite the chosen groups. D:Search for patients in the card index 1. In order to find in the card index of patient, who arrived to the repeated method, it is possible to use two ways: a) to print the surname of patient in the window (line) in the upper part of window CARD INDEX; b) to bring mouse pointer to the words Of person of free (or other), located to the left above the list of experiments in the window CARD INDEX. Simultaneously |