Patient D., aged 57. Neurofibromatosis

Patient V., aged 37: Lymphoma of the hypothalamus

Patient Z., 54 years old: Circulatory encephalopathy (chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation)

Patient L., 43 years old: Acute ischemic stroke

Patient T., aged 38: Sub frontal meningioma

Patient S., aged 56: Metastasis of lung cancer in the left frontal lobe

Patient Z., 62 years old: Metastases of adenocarcinoma of the kidney in the right hemisphere of the cerebellum

Patient P., aged 47: Typical supratentorial foci in multiple sclerosis

E. The patient, 54 years old. Osteochondritis of the lumbar spine

Patient G., aged 56: Osteochondritis of the cervical spine with a reduction in the height of the rear discs and hernias

Patient, 67 years old: Fibro sarcoma sacrum

Patient A., aged 58. hepatoblastoma neck localization

Patient A., aged 58: hepatoblastoma neck localization

Patient I., aged 49: Per neural arachnoid cyst