nls scan Why and Where need it?

How does nls scan work?
After completing the analysis, the nls scan non-linear scanner stimulates the body’s healing process by using Metatherapy (sometimes called “meta therapy”). In effect, Metatherapy is stimulating the target area at the appropriate resonant frequency, actually reenergizing the target cell or organ. The nls scan scanner records the treatment and allows practitioners to compare before and after the replacement. In this way, nls scan makes it easy for practitioners and “patients” to understand the progress and effectiveness of treatment.
hunter nls what it how work why it and who need?
Which nls scan can be tested?
-Complex analysis of all organs and systems of the human body
-Cardiovascular system – Gastrointestinal tract
-Genitourinary system – skeletal muscle system
-Bronchial-pulmonary system-endocrine system
-Vision and hearing aids/organs-neurological system
-No interference with blood biochemical analysis.
-Organ and systemic infections – viruses, bacteria, fungi.
-Protozoa, worm infections, etc.
(Staphylococcus and streptococcus, giardia, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, urea plasma, etc.)
-Qualitative assessment of hormone, adrenal, pituitary, pancreatic, thyroid, gonadal levels – immune levels
-Allergy diagnosis (up to 500 allergens can be tested)
-Medical testing (individual drug selection) – Chromosomal diagnosis
-Laboratory analysis (blood count, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements)
-Treatment of pathological processes identified by bioresonance therapy (Meta therapy).
-Photolithography treatment (spectral frequency, minerals selected separately)
-Fear, emotional matrix, relationship matrix
-Evaluate chakras and auras (auras are electromagnetic fields that surround each living thing and are manifested in the physical field by charged objects that represent themselves as different colors around the body. This electromagnetic field can provide information about people. (Emotional state, quality of consciousness, and will determine the level of health regarding individual organs and organ systems).

Why nls scan?
Come on.
Information-rich methods of organism examination
(a) Safety, i.e., minimum interference with the internal environment of the organism.
Speed of study – the average duration of patient studies is 15-20 minutes.
Mobility and portability.
(a) The study itself, as the equipment is reasonably priced.
(b) The high information content of the NLS method, which is particularly important for accurate diagnosis.
High objectivity in the reading of information.
(b) Diagnosis and monitoring of the pathological situation in the early stages of the disease in the absence of significant organotypic changes.
The possibility of active dynamic balance control, which would be impossible for any modern person
The diagnostic system!
Absolutely safe and user-friendly.
The nls scan crude diagnostic system will not cause any harm or discomfort to the patient’s health.
No internal detection
No medical examination required*

Where need nls scan?
Business organizations – supermarkets, large shopping centers, exclusive agents, chain stores, mass sales, star hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, pharmacies.
Financial organizations – banks, securities, funds, insurance companies, pawnshops.
Non-profit organizations: telecommunications, post offices, hospitals, schools.
Public places – metro, airports, stations, gas stations, toll booths, bookstores, parks, exhibition halls, stadiums, museums, conference centres, ticket offices, human resources markets, lottery centres; real estate: apartments, villas, offices, commercial buildings, model homes, real estate agents.
Entertainment venues – cinemas, gyms, country clubs, clubs, massage rooms, bars, cafes, internet cafes, beauty salons, golf courses

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