What can do bioplasm 3d nls?

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls
The sonar frequencies are outside of the human hearing spectrum so the patient hears and feels nothing. The resonance of electromagnetic waves is then returned to the computer and compared with an extensive database. The result is a presentation showing the condition of organs in the present as well as the past. There is also a report predicting organ state over the next 3-5 years.
bioplasma 3d nls
3d nls
bioplasma nls
1. Detection and Assessment of The Human Body
The system can easily assess a patient’s physical conditions, disease trends, as well as forecast health direction over the next 3-5 years. Through a patient therapist relationship, the therapist is able to advise life style changes to give the notion of prevention is better than cure. A 3D presentation allows the client to visually see their bodily organs in their current state.
2. Confirms whether Food and Healthcare Products are Helpful Or Harmful to the Body
The bioplasm 3d nls can analyze food and healthcare products and determine whether they are going to be good or harmful to the client’s body. This is useful in determining substances that could be causing allergic symptom in the patient.
Connect the items cup link to the bioplasm 3d nls.
Place drugs or health food into item cup (Note: unless you are a medical doctor, you are not allowed to recommend taking a patient off their medication without the consent of their doctor).
Click the organs that you wish to assess
Place the headset onto the patient
Click vegetotest in the Diacom software, enter the name of the drug or health food, and then start the test to assess out the drug or health food impact testing.
After completing the test, the results will show in the in organ diagnosis list.
Press analysis key to carry out the drug or health food analysis comparison.
On the analysis of the comparison window, select the organs that have been detected and click auto search.
The comparison window will search the organs to compare and analyze automatically.
3. Energy and Frequency Repair for Bodily Organ Recovery
Using the assessment data, the bioplasm 3d nls is able to create vibrational medicine remedies using water as a basis to counter imbalanced frequencies representing stress and dis-ease.
Prepare a glass cup (flat thin bottom).
Add 100-200mL of pure water into the glass cup.
Confirm that the items cup is linked to the host.
Place the headset onto the client.
Click on the energy copy button and select water as the medium.
Click the turn over key, copy the wave oscillation spectrum to reverse the dis-ease.
Click the START button, and begin to copy.
The program will copy the reverse frequencies into water. It is recommended that the water is consumed over 30 min. It is suggested that no more than 5 cups are consumed in one day.
Consume the water oince daily for best results.
What Advantages of bioplasm 3d nls?
With bioplasm 3d nls the user has the whole knowledge in one system
As a user you will be part of the most innovative and modern therapists
A copy of the results can be delivered to the patient.
All data is stored in the system
Finds the hidden causes behind the symptoms
Makes disorders qualitatively and quantitatively visible
A comparative analysis between before and after therapy in percentage is shown
Ideal as prevention as it recognises the disorder in its early form
Tests optimally pollutants and burdens
Finds allergies and food intolerances and treats them with bio-resonance
Calculates in advance the efficiency of a remedy
Determines bio-energetically laboratory values in the desired organ
Calculates the best therapy and the most suitable remedy
Sends out harmonizing frequencies with the META Therapy
Opens new future research opportunities

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls
What is Bioresonance Scientific basis?
According to the results of modern cybernetics, the following principle is applicable: the more complex the systems, the more dominating are the laws of interplay.Such complex systems, e.g. human beings, have a considerably high degree of self-regulation and self-healing abilities. The self-regulation forces can be induced precisely and only through weak therapeutic stimuli since they do not affect the system integrity or the balance of the system.Deterministic chaos, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and dissipative structures Living open systems are non-equilibrium systems at all biological, chemical and physical levels, their development is irreversible and they normally do not have a linear behaviour.Minor changes in the causes or initial conditions of process flows may result in significant changes in effects (“butterfly effects”). The supply of signal energy or negative entropy (order, information) leads to new spatial and temporal order formation (e.g. biological rhythms) in the already formed living system.
Living systems comprise electromagnetic antenna systems (atoms, biomolecules, membranes, cells, etc.) that simultaneously act as transmitters and receivers.Living systems can be influenced using static and dynamic electromagnetic fields (electromagnetic waves and oscillations) in the entire frequency range and even with extremely low power flux densities. Enzyme activities can be influenced using frequencies in the optical spectral range (1014 range) and extremely low frequency ranges (10 Hz range). Living systems communicate with the inner elements and also with the living and dead environment using their electromagnetic oscillation fields.An example – the coherence theory of biophotons (Fritz-Albert Popp): Physical properties of this extremely weak light radiation from cells and organisms (e.g. broadband LASER light) and many experimental-biological results make it evident that this special light is used for internal and external communication in living systems.
Structure of water
Water, the decisive element for life, can be influenced by weak, coherent electromagnetic fields over a period and is therefore a storage and transfer medium for such fields.
Basic regulation system
All specific organ cells are embedded into the soft connective tissue. It is the transit route of nutrition supply, disposal of metabolic end products, the hormonal and neural information transfer. It connects all elements with all other elements in the organism (e.g. a tooth with a lever). It functions locally and, if required, globally. The electromagnetic condition of this system is a decisive factor. It is an intermediary substrate of static and dynamic electromagnetic mutual reactions in an organism. The basic regulation system is the primary regulation system of human beings.
As per modern scientific knowledge, living systems distinguish themselves with the following characteristics:
• They normally have high self-regulation ability.
• They normally have high sensitivity.
• As a rule, only weak stimuli of self-regulation are usable as otherwise they result in blockages.
• Weak stimuli can normally result in major effects. Not the strength of the stimulus, but its precision, i.e. their resonance with the inner recipient system, is decisive.
• Biomolecules, cells, etc. are sensitive electromagnetic antenna systems (transmitters and receivers). They are sensitive to weak electromagnetic fields. Not the strength, but the correct information, i.e. their resonance or bioresonance with biological antenna systems, is decisive.
The biophysical level
Information transfers through extremely weak electromagnetic field like those used therapeutically in the NLS bioresonance therapy may have distinct effects on living systems. Prevailing researches on bioelectromagnetism and numerous research results have indubitably confirmed this.The Biostar-NLS system is an informative catalyst (accelerator) for self-regulation and uses a) the retro-reflection of inverted (mirrored), weak electromagnetic oscillations of a human being and b) externally fed electromagnetic oscillations of bioactive substances and colours.The conventional medicine therapy is a special case of the bioresonance therapy. In bioresonance therapy, information is directly transferred to human beings or animals using electromagnetic fields. In the medicine therapy, these fields are “bonded” with substances. These electromagnetic fields are the biophysical, effective principle. The material aspect of the medicine therapy plays an important role in field stabilisation and localisation.Over the decades, bioelectromagnetism, i.e. the existence of electromagnetic fields in living systems, has been studied by numerous scientific research groups.
This research work has resulted in a uniform picture: Sub-atomic particles (electrons, cores, etc.), atoms, molecules, sub-cellular parts (membranes, enzymes, hormones), cells and units of these physical, chemical and biological modules of life function as transmitters and receivers of electromagnetic waves. Coherent (structured), electromagnetic fields are formed in all spatial areas (… molecule areas, … cell areas, …human area) and they regulate life-activity in coordination with the material structures at a biophysical, biochemical and biological level. For example, the entire biochemical process flows in a regulation unit are presumably connected with electromagnetic program structures (or Electromagnetic fields).
Electromagnetic fields are a causal and integral element of life. They are not mere accompanying symptoms from the point of view of meaningless by-products of life-activity. As per these perceptions, healthiness at an underlying biophysical level is the flexible, cooperative bonding of all electromagnetic oscillations (i.e. optimal communication) in a human being.
Illness means the isolation of oscillations from the original oscillation system. These isolated, rigid oscillations (“pathological oscillations”) indicate the lack of communication and therefore regulative blockages or illness. This may affect the entire electromagnetic program structures.
The endogenous bioresonance therapy displaces the inherent patient oscillations after inverting (reflection) itself. This leads to the integration of isolated oscillations into the communicative oscillation system and subsequently removes regulative, communicative blockages (informative autocatalysis).
The exogenous bioresonance therapy displaces the inner oscillation field of substance oscillations from the outside to stimulate the integration of isolated, “pathological” oscillations (informative external catalysis).

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls

bioplasm 3d nls
The biological-medicinal level
The conception of illness should first be stated more precisely. As far as human nutrition, hygiene and miscellaneous habits as per the principle of proper moderation are concerned, the symptoms of the disease are a consequence of regulative blockages as regards the internal and external problems in information transfer and/or communication which may grow stronger morphologically over a period.
The reasons can be external material strains (enteromycosis, amalgam strain, geopathic strain, pollution due to heavy metals, dental foci, scar foci, etc.), and “negative“ emotional (psychological) states (psychosomatic diseases in wider sense). Constitutional weaknesses (in wider sense) of the person concerned also contribute towards this.
The NLS bioresonance therapy can improve constitutional weaknesses, divert external material strains and also have a positive effect on emotional blockages to ensure that the self-regulation system functions without any problem.
Biological “ageing” is not considered to be a disease.
Numerous controlled researches corroborate the effectiveness of the NLS bioresonance therapy at clinical and biological levels.
The practical application level
The NLS bioresonance therapy aids the self-regulation capabilities of a human being. Undesired side effects have not been observed until now.
It can normally be used for all types of diseases and also as a supplement for infants as well as old people provided these diseases do not concern internal-medical or surgical emergencies.
In practical application, the main focus is on functional diseases, psychosomatic diseases, allergies/indigestibility, pains, rheumatic and chronic diseases that can sometimes be treated conventionally only with unreasonable side effects.
Only a few therapy sessions are required for acute diseases. Longer or long-term therapy is required in case of chronic diseases depending on the individual initial situation.
This therapy method can be used for animals and plants as well.
Why being bioplasm 3d nls is a surprisingly good idea
Complex Analysis of all organs and systems of the human body:
1.The cardiovascular system
2.Gastro-intestinal tract
3.Genital-urinary system
4.Musculoskeletal system
5.Bronchi-pulmonary system
6.The endocrine system
7.Visual and hearing aids/organs
8.The nervous system
9.Biochemical analysis of blood without interference
10.Infection in the organs and systems – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths infection, etc. (staphylococci and streptococci, giardiasis, trichomonas, chlamydia, urea plasma, and so on)
11.Qualitative assessment of hormone levels, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads
12.Level of immunity
13.Allergy diagnosis (complex tests up to 500 allergens)
14.Medical testing (individual selection of drugs)
15.Chromosomal diagnosis
16.Laboratory Analysis (blood counts, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements)
17.Treatment of pathological processes identified by the bio resonance therapy (meta-therapy).
18.The treatment method litho-therapy (spectral frequencies individually selected minerals)
19.Fear, Emotional Matrix, relationship Matrix,etc.

bioplasm 3d nls

escaner molecular 3d
What the bioplasm 3d nls mean about the test reports?
The bioplasm 3d nls comes with a software package called Diacom. Diacom stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM).
Diacom is the software standard that drives the bioplasm 3d nls. It performs a sweep of all internal bodily organs, outputting a test signature for each bodily organ using the transmitter in the sonic headphones and recording measurements using the receiver in the headphone unit.
Measurements are sent to the computer via USB port, and it is the Diacom software that compares measurements made by the NLS analyzer with the developed database, and reports just how far measurements deviate from those in a healthy person. The beauty of this system is that each major organ is presented as a 3D picture, and a coding system is used to pinpoint irregularities in the organ. The following example is of an individual with a diseased Aorta. The patient in this case was advised to see a doctor, and subsequently a cardiologist.
1 – Normal State;
2 – Standard Condition;
3 – Restricted State;
4 – Weak State;
5 – Abnormal Condition;
6 – Serious Disorders State
Minimum Computer System Requirements
CD Rom Drive
Minimum Windows 98 (any version of windows from windows 98 to the current version). Will NOT operate on Mac computers.
Minimum 1Gb Hard Drive Space
USB Port
250Mb RAM Memory
Minimum Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768. Any resolution higher than this is ok, although it is recommended that the resolution is set to a 5:4 ratio.
bioplasm 3d nls Video