What is 3d nls cell?

What is 3d nls cell?

The 3d nls cell can research: Complex Analysis of all organs and systems of the human body The cardiovascular system Gastro-intestinal tract Genital-urinary system Musculoskeletal system Bronchi-pulmonary system The endocrine system Visual and hearing aids/organs The nervous system Biochemical analysis of blood without interference Infection in the organs and systems – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths infection, etc. (staphylococci and streptococci, giardiasis, trichomonas, chlamydia, urea plasma, and so on) Qualitative assessment of hormone levels, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads Level of immunity Allergy’ diagnosis (complex tests up to 500 allergens) Medical testing (individual selection of drugs) Chromosomal diagnosis Laboratory Analysis (blood counts, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements) Treatment of pathological processes identified by the bio resonance therapy (meta-therapy). The treatment method litho-therapy (spectral frequencies individually selected minerals) Fear. Emotional Matrix, relationship Matrix.
3d-cell nls health analyzer
3d cell nls software
3d nls cell
what is 3d nls diagnostika why 3d nls diagnostika?
Why we use 3d nls españa and how 3d nls españa work?
1. Detection and Assessment of The Human Body
The system can easily assess a patient’s physical conditions, disease trends, as well as forecast health direction over the next 3-5 years. Through a patient therapist relationship, the therapist is able to advise life style changes to give the notion of prevention is better than cure. A 3D presentation allows the client to visually see their bodily organs in their current state.
2. Confirms whether Food and Healthcare Products are Helpful Or Harmful to the Body
The 3d nls cell analyzer can analyze food and healthcare products and determine whether they are going to be good or harmful to the client’s body. This is useful in determining substances that could be causing allergic symptom in the patient.

- Connect the items cup link to the 3d nls cell.
- Place drugs or health food into item cup (Note: unless you are a medical doctor, you are not allowed to recommend taking a patient off their medication without the consent of their doctor).
- Click the organs that you wish to assess
- Place the headset onto the patient
- Click vegetotest in the Diacom software, enter the name of the drug or health food, and then start the test to assess out the drug or health food impact testing.
- After completing the test, the results will show in the in organ diagnosis list.
- Press analysis key to carry out the drug or health food analysis comparison.
- On the analysis of the comparison window, select the organs that have been detected and click auto search.
- The comparison window will search the organs to compare and analyze automatically.
3. Energy and Frequency Repair for Bodily Organ Recovery
Using the assessment data, the 3d nls cell is able to create vibrational medicine remedies using water as a basis to counter imbalanced frequencies representing stress and dis-ease.
Procedure- Prepare a glass cup (flat thin bottom).
- Add 100-200mL of pure water into the glass cup.
- Confirm that the items cup is linked to the host.
- Place the headset onto the client.
- Click on the energy copy button and select water as the medium.
- Click the turn over key, copy the wave oscillation spectrum to reverse the dis-ease.
- Click the START button, and begin to copy.
- The program will copy the reverse frequencies into water. It is recommended that the water is consumed over 30 min. It is suggested that no more than 5 cups are consumed in one day.
- Consume the water oince daily for best results.

What is META Therapy?
The Original MoRa Therapy automatic and without cables.Similar to MoRa Therapy-MORA-Therapy is an all-encompassing assessment and treatment modality utilizing a patient’s own “ultra-fine electromagnetic oscillation”. The method had its inception in 1977 after development by the German physician Dr. Franz Morell and electronics engineer Mr. Erich Rasche from whose names the name MO-RA originated.The MORA therapy is neither an electric therapy nor a radiation in any form and it is also not a treatment method where one needs to have faith in order to see visible results. It is based on over 30 years of experience and has also been substantiated by scientific researches to some extent. The MORA therapy concept has also been corroborated by modern research in the field of bioelectromagnetism.
Classic META (aka MoRa) Therapy
The method of informational therapy (META) is the further development of the MoRa method in solving the problems of restoration of the organism’s normal ability to live in cases of acute and chronic diseases.‘META therapy automatically harmonizes various abnormal oscillations emitted by the body via the Biostar-NLS ‘Headphones’.
META + Litho Therapy
•The program contains spectral characteristics of jewels and minerals with the description of their medical properties.
•The program indicates what minerals are most suitable for permanent ware, and also for exposure is similar to META therapy .
META + Phyto Therapy
•This group contains wave characteristics of the medicinal plants growing in various regions of this planet.
•The program indicates what plant is most suitable for the household, and also for exposure is similar to META therapy.
Inverse META (destructor)
Using the pwoerful feutures of META therapy, Biostar uses META Therpy instead of Healing and area, it can breakdow or destroy energy levels from various micro organizims. In the ‘Destructor’ mode the wave function of the pathological or infectious agent is depressed, resulting in a decline of the energetic level of its adaptive responses.
Spectral Wave Therapy SPEC Transfer
Transfer wave spectrums such as
◦ Homeopathy, HEEL
◦ Bach Flowers
◦ Cell Salts
◦ Herbs
Invert wave spectrums for
◦ Weak Organs
◦ Parasites and Micro Organisms

Muscle Test (VRI)
Biostar NLS can test your supplements or foods for weaknesses against your Biofield (similar to kinesiology) Never be left without the power of Frequency Therapy. Biostar-NLS includes software with a Database of over 6000 frequencies. With your computers Soundcard, you can deliver a Frequency to any RIFE device (e.g. Plasma). If you don’t have a device we have several options you can choose from to safely and effectively deliver this experience to your clients.
How to ues the 3D NLS system?
The 3D NLS system comes with a software package called Diacom. Diacom stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM).
Diacom is the software standard that drives the 3D NLS system. It performs a sweep of all internal bodily organs, outputting a test signature for each bodily organ using the transmitter in the sonic headphones and recording measurements using the receiver in the headphone unit.
Measurements are sent to the computer via USB port, and it is the Diacom software that compares measurements made by the NLS analyzer with the developed database, and reports just how far measurements deviate from those in a healthy person. The beauty of this system is that each major organ is presented as a 3D picture, and a coding system is used to pinpoint irregularities in the organ. The following example is of an individual with a diseased Aorta. The patient in this case was advised to see a doctor, and subsequently a cardiologist.
3D Image Example of Heart from Diacom Software Output1 – Normal State; 2 – Standard Condition; 3 – Restricted State; 4 – Weak State; 5 – Abnormal Condition; 6 – Serious Disorders State
Minimum Computer System Requirements
CD Rom Drive
Minimum Windows 98 (any version of windows from windows 98 to the current version). Will NOT operate on Mac computers.
Minimum 1Gb Hard Drive Space
USB Port
250Mb RAM Memory
Minimum Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768. Any resolution higher than this is ok, although it is recommended that the resolution is set to a 5:4 ratio.
To correctly install your 3D NLS system onto your computer, it is essential for you to follow the step by step instructions in the order shown below. Failure to do so will result in problems in getting the system to work.

Step 1 – Software and Driver Installation
Insert the Software CD into your computer’s CD-Rom drive, open Windows Explorer and navigate to your CD-Rom drive (e.g., d:\3D-NLS).
Double Click 3D-NLS followed by Diacom-setup to open the Diacom-setup directory.
To begin installation, double click on setup_v1.20.exe, and work your way through the Installshield Wizard program (DO NOT run the installed software yet).
Navigate back to your CD-Rom as instructed in steps 1 and 2 above, and then double click CH341.exe. Work your way through the Installshield Wizard program.
Step 2 – Hardware Assembly and Installation
1. Make sure the power button on the back of the 3D-NLS is switched off (O pressed in and I sticking out).
2. Plug the headphones into the rear of the 3D-NLS unit into the socket shown below.
3D-NLS Headphones
3D-NLS Headphones Socket
3. Plug the Item Cup into the slot on the back of the 3D-NLS unit as shown below.
3D-NLS Item Cup Port
4. Connect the USB lead to the back of the 3D-NLS unit and then connect the other end to a spare USB port on your computer.
USB Cable in Package 3D-NLS USB Port
5. Turn on the 3D-NLS unit using the switch on the back as shown below (I pushed in and O pointing out).
6. Wait until your computer has installed the drivers for the 3D-NLS unit. You are now ready to begin to use the system. To start the system double click on the Diacom-NLS old Icon on your desktop.
7. Proceed to the next section and download and print the appropriate documents to learn how to use your new system.
Who and where need the 3d nls cell
3d nls cell health analyzer allows detecting and monitoring the expression of genetically caused diseases among all family members
Greatly increases the efficiency of clinical examination and the initial reception. Significantly lower costs of finance and time. Physicians are exempt from routine and often formal work. No need to send your clients to other specialists, you can assist them by examining all the concerns they have and providing treatment, and healing methods.
Becomes a real continuous monitoring of the health of all children and staff at intervals of not less than once a month, the ability to assess the adequacy of student’s health.
Objective medical monitoring is required whenever there is a serious exercise. This equipment allows us to create an individual program, taking into account features of the organism.
GY-518D advanced NLS is a great tool to monitor the health of your family and friends. Provides means of checkup, treatment and healing without having to spend large amounts of finances on health care services.
Metatro 3d nls cell
Concern about the health of its customers – a very strong competitive trump card. Objective assessment of the client can choose individual cosmetic program and achieve impressive results.

1. Family doctors
2. Clinics and medical units
3. Education facilities schools
4. Sanatoriums
5. Sports, recreation facilities
6. Spa and cosmetic centers
7. Health food direct-selling workers
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