 | What is 3D NLS? Operation System: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP 3D NLS health analyzer to light waves, sonar, through the eardrum into the human , use of quantum resonance techniques to probe the specific organs of the body … |
 | What is 3D NLS? 1. Detectable systemic 12 big system ,256 items of zang-fu organs,glands and cell…4352 kinds of disease make predictive report,the whole body 120000 list ensure accurate detection .Users can saw their organs current and past, and future … |
 | What can do bioplasm 3d nls? The sonar frequencies are outside of the human hearing spectrum so the patient hears and feels nothing. The resonance of electromagnetic waves is then returned to the computer and compared with an extensive database. … |
 | What is 3d nls analizador? How 3d nls analizador Works with the Energy of the Body?-The 3d nls analizador system is designed to read, communicate with, and stimulate a change in the energy of the body. It does this in … |
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