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What is the 3d nls colombia Analyzer analyze?
1. Complex Analysis of all organs and systems of the human body
1). The cardiovascular system
2). Gastro-intestinal tract
3). Genital-urinary system
4). Musculoskeletal system
5). Bronchi-pulmonary system
6). The endocrine system
7). Visual and hearing aids/organs
8). The nervous system
9). Biochemical analysis of blood without interference
2. Infection in the organs and systems – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths infection, etc.
(staphylococci and streptococci, giardiasis, trichomonas, chlamydia, urea plasma, and so on)
3. Qualitative assessment of hormone levels, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads
4. LRIS NLS Lris Level of immunity
5. Allergy diagnosis (complex tests up to 500 allergens)
6. Medical testing (individual selection of drugs)
7. Chromosomal diagnosis
8. Laboratory Analysis (blood counts, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements)
9. Treatment of pathological processes identified by the bio resonance therapy (meta-therapy).
10.The treatment method litho-therapy (spectral frequencies individually selected minerals)
11. Detect Fear, Emotional Matrix, relationship Matrix

How 3d nls colombia Works
The 3d nls colombia uses headphones to transmit sonar light waves through the eardrum into the human brain. The technique is totally non-invasive, safe and pain free. The patient simply puts on a set of specially made headphones with the sensor and transmitter, and lies back to relax while the tests are performed.
The method is based on an analysis of the brain stem’s electromagnetic waves (similar to Oberon and Metatron) which contain complete informational picture of the entire patient. The analyzer uses a special emitter to modulate the carrier frequency for the cell communication, and uses special sensor trigger readers built into headphones to read the cell’s own signals.
Over 100,000 pulses representing areas on over 500 listed anatomical body parts are presented in a single 30 minute session through the sonic headphones.
The sonar frequencies are outside of the human hearing spectrum so the patient hears and feels nothing. The resonance of electromagnetic waves is then returned to the computer and compared with an extensive database. The result is a presentation showing the condition of organs in the present as well as the past. There is also a report predicting organ state over the next 3-5 years.
3d nls colombia History
In the earlier part of the twentieth century, experiments by the Russian researcher V.N. Kravkov observed interaction between man and machine of distant objects of animate and inanimate nature. Under the guidance of prof. V. Togatova, reactions of various semiconductor structures on the impact of bio-operators (psychic), were studied. It was proven through these experiments that the human brain without the aid of wires could be affected in sensory regions.
Following these experiments, research by Russian and US scientists on energy fields surrounding plants and animals concluded that there exist extremely weak, frequency specific, vortex magnetic fields around biological systems. Observations were made where these fields were different in people with disease, when compared with healthy subjects.
Over a period of 35 years, a database was established with these observations using tens of billions of dollars of national research funds. A collection of different sexes, ages, races, diseases, and clinical data helped to establish the database. Over time, the database was modified and a new software system was developed in Czechoslovakia (Diacom software) which used the database as a basis to make comparisons when testing clients using the NLS system. The involvement in hardware led to development of the 3d nls colombia system.
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What 3d nls colombia Applications Range?
3d nls colombia can be used by anyone who is interested in quickly and effectively examining the health of their patients, clients, friends, family or employees. Accurate analysis is the driving factor of our company and no matter whom you are or what you do, you will be well informed with the information you will gather from the 3d nls colombia device, and so will everyone you work with.
Remember that the information is being gathered on a cellular level, and the beauty of this method of diagnosis is that before anything is manifested, it is found.
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a 3d nls colombia bio feed back device.
(1)Family Doctors:
The device allows detecting and monitoring the expression of genetically caused diseases among all family members
(2)Clinics and Medical Units
Greatly increases the efficiency of clinical examination and the initial reception. Significantly lower costs of finance and time.
Physicians are exempt from routine and often formal work. No need to send your clients to other specialists, you can assist them by examining all the concerns they have and providing treatment, and healing methods.
(3)Education Facilities and Schools
Becomes a real continuous monitoring of the health of all children and staff at intervals of not less than once a month, the ability to assess the adequacy of student’s health.
(4)Sports,Recreation Centers and Fitness Facilities
Objective medical monitoring is required whenever there is a serious exercise. This equipment allows us to create an individual program, taking into account features of the organism.
(5)Family and Friends
3d nls colombia is a great tool to monitor the health of your family and friends. Provides means of checkup, treatment and healing without having to spend large amounts of finances on health care services.
(6)Cosmetic and Spa Salons
Concern about the health of its customers – a very strong competitive trump card. Objective assessment of the client can choose individual cosmetic program and achieve impressive results.
Business Organizations
supermarket, large-scale shopping malls, exclusive agency, chain shops, large-scale sales, star-rated hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, pharmacy.
Financial Organizations
Banks, negotiable securities, funds, insurance companies, pawnshops;
Non-profit Organizations: Telecommunications, post offices, hospital, schools;
Public Places
subway, airports, stations, gas stations, toll stations, bookstores, parks, exhibition halls, stadiums, museums, convention centers, ticket agencies, HR market, lottery centers; Real Estate Property: Apartments, villas, offices, commercial buildings, model rooms, property brokers;
Movie theaters, fitness halls, country clubs, clubs, massage rooms, bars, cafes, Internet bars, beauty shops, golf course