Why We Use escaner 3d peru

What is escaner 3d peru 12 Functions
What is escaner 3d peru 12 Functions
1) body detection function: Detectable systemic 12 big system, 256 items of zang-fu organs, glands, cell… , 4352 kinds of disease make predictive report, the whole body 120000 list ensure accurate detection. Users can saw their organs current and past, and future 3 to 5 years of health and organization cell vitality trend.
2) the item(goods) analysis function: Can analysis food, health products… The article such as whether to human organs have the effect or damage, so as to carry out mediation balance life state.
3) repair treatment function: With energy spectrum restoration and repair function, to the early stages of the disease or has not been formed stage, especially for pain spot repair has the very good auxiliary curative effect.
4) Green examination on the body without any harm.
5) Not only can see the health status of the internal organs, and also easy to Know health trends after 3-5 years.
6) Rapid detection of 12 systems of the body tissue changes, can be comparison relevant range of scanning up to 300 completed the speed of light 100,000 scan points to ensure the accuracy of detection.
7) Quickly to help the user to understanding of the role of specific organ in advance.
8) To make test data on the efficacy of daily food or health food.
9) Provide the professional image of teaching materials for the training of the practitioners expertise.
10) Provide the basis tracking for the sale of health products efficacy.
11) Can provide personality health professional data recovery plan for consumers.
12) Can provide daily health diet guidancefor consumers.

Why escaner 3d peru?
Why escaner 3d peru?
♥ The visit is completely pain-free and takes place comfortably seated
♥ A visit of single organs lasts approx. 15 minutes, a more thorough check-up up to 90 minutes. The measuring can be delegated.
♥ The investment of purchase is repaid within a short time thanks to satisfied customers.
♥ No preparation on the client’s side is necessary
♥ Suitable for all persons without limitations
♥ The examination is precise and individual
♥ The whole body can be examined
♥ Ideal for the early diagnosis of disorders
♥ Finds the hidden causes behind the symptoms
♥ Complex technology – simple application
♥ Clarifies the connection of the disorder
♥ Individual testing of the most suitable therapy
♥ Strong motivation from the client’s side through an ingenious visualization
♥ Individual testing of burdens, allergies and intolerances.
♥ Incorporated Meta therapy
♥ High riproducibility sustained by the users
♥ Unbeatable relation cost/performance. Compare!
♥ Optimal service and quality by our company

How escaner 3d peru Works with the Energy of the Body?
How escaner 3d peru Works with the Energy of the Body?
The escaner 3d peru system is designed to read, communicate with, and stimulate a change in the energy of the body. It does this in a variety of ways but primarily we use the Headphones (pictured left) to communicate with the vagus-nerve of the body by which it is placed, and sending weak electrical signals, and then it ‘listens’ to the body’s response from those signals.Once the communication scan is completed, the software returns a graphical representation of any located distortions in the body’s information, as well as recommendations for nutritionals, homeopatics, etc.. — including identified areas for META Therpay that are recommended for rebalancing. These will then stimulate the body’s healing response and correct the noted distortions.
The information of the body is like the software of a computer, telling the body’s biochemistry how to organize and structure itself. If you have perfectly operating software, your body knows precisely what to do and can repair itself. Essentially the body is able to work off of a blueprint or set of information codes for optimal health and homeostasis.By putting energy back into the specific area of the issue, the escaner 3d peru can then raise the electrical potential of those cells, restoring them over time to their normal, optimal behavior. Meta Therapy also stimulates the vagus nerve system, sending a signal to the brain to direct resources to that particular part of the body as part of the natural healing response.

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