The 10 reasons that nobody’s interested in your sistema urinario humano 3d. (Yet.)

What Advantages of sistema urinario humano 3d?
What Advantages of sistema urinario humano 3d?
♦With 3D NLS Analyzer the user has the whole knowledge in one system
♦ low Price and best service
♦ Very appreciated and required by patients
♦ The measuring can be delegated. The evaluation is performed by a specialist
♦ As a user you will be part of the most innovative and modern therapists
♦ A copy of the results can be delivered to the patient.
♦ All data is stored in the system
♦ Finds the hidden causes behind the symptoms
♦ Makes disorders qualitatively and quantitatively visible
♦ A comparative analysis between before and after therapy in percentage is shown
♦ Controls the success of the therapy
♦ Ideal as prevention as it recognises the disorder in its early form
♦ Tests optimally pollutants and burdens
♦ Finds allergies and food intolerances and treats them with bio-resonance
♦ Calculates in advance the efficiency of a remedy
♦ Determines bio-energetically laboratory values in the desired organ
♦ Calculates the best therapy and the most suitable remedy
♦ Sends out harmonizing frequencies with the META Therapy
♦ Saves money and futile waiting time
♦ Opens new future research opportunities

How to use the sistema urinario humano 3d scan?
How to use the sistema urinario humano 3d scan?
Getting a Biostar bio resonance scan is a simple and painless process
Step 1-The session starts with a small-talk in order to relax you and allow the Bioenegetic Practitioner to get to know you.
Step 2-Simply place a pair of headphones on while a scan is run. During the scan, subtle spectral vibrations are detected from your body and are obtained from the headphones (within is a sensor) which measures the information or background noise around biological objects.
Your body will naturally respond to this communication and the Biostar software records each Add to dictionary oscillations. Although a few people may be able to sense this energetic communication, most are unaware that the scan is taking place. The length of the scan can be as little as 5 minutes.
During this procedure 6 various states of cellular energy and their nearest tissues are displayed on as virtual models (on the display), using the special marker system. This makes possible for the specialist to identified problematic areas for a later detailed examination.
Biostar NLS: High Level Visualizations
Step 3-A BioEnergetic Research Associate (BERA) examines all areas and organs which are identified as problematic in detail. Intuitive interface and a system of horizontal slices make the detailed examination of particular organ (up to its cell structure) possible. Compared to traditional imaging technology, NLS-diagnostics is safe and non-invasive.
*The images above are for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Information and statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

How sistema urinario humano 3d Work?
How sistema urinario humano 3d Work?
sistema urinario humano 3d to light waves,sonar,through the eardrum into the human brain,use of quantum resonance techniques to probe the specific organs of the body tissue of the hydrogen atomic energy,the resonance of electromagnetic waves and then feedback to the computer ,Compared with fine huge database ,thus find the detection organs present,past,and the next 3-5 years,the health status database was established by famous scientist of the former tens of billions of national research funds,a collection of different sex,different ages,different races,different diseases,different clinica data…

What is META Therapy?
What is META Therapy?
The Original MoRa Therapy automatic and without cables.Similar to MoRa Therapy-MORA-Therapy is an all-encompassing assessment and treatment modality utilizing a patient’s own “ultra-fine electromagnetic oscillation”. The method had its inception in 1977 after development by the German physician Dr. Franz Morell and electronics engineer Mr. Erich Rasche from whose names the name MO-RA originated.The MORA therapy is neither an electric therapy nor a radiation in any form and it is also not a treatment method where one needs to have faith in order to see visible results. It is based on over 30 years of experience and has also been substantiated by scientific researches to some extent. The MORA therapy concept has also been corroborated by modern research in the field of bioelectromagnetism.
Classic META (aka MoRa) Therapy
The method of informational therapy (META) is the further development of the MoRa method in solving the problems of restoration of the organism’s normal ability to live in cases of acute and chronic diseases.‘META therapy automatically harmonizes various abnormal oscillations emitted by the body via the sistema urinario humano 3d ‘Headphones’.
META + Litho Therapy
•The program contains spectral characteristics of jewels and minerals with the description of their medical properties.
•The program indicates what minerals are most suitable for permanent ware, and also for exposure is similar to META therapy .
META + Phyto Therapy
•This group contains wave characteristics of the medicinal plants growing in various regions of this planet.
•The program indicates what plant is most suitable for the household, and also for exposure is similar to META therapy.
Inverse META (destructor)
Using the pwoerful feutures of META therapy, Biostar uses META Therpy instead of Healing and area, it can breakdow or destroy energy levels from various micro organizims. In the ‘Destructor’ mode the wave function of the pathological or infectious agent is depressed, resulting in a decline of the energetic level of its adaptive responses.
Spectral Wave Therapy SPEC Transfer
Transfer wave spectrums such as
◦ Homeopathy, HEEL
◦ Bach Flowers
◦ Cell Salts
◦ Herbs
Invert wave spectrums for
◦ Weak Organs
◦ Parasites and Micro Organisms
Muscle Test (VRI)
Biostar NLS can test your supplements or foods for weaknesses against your Biofield (similar to kinesiology) Never be left without the power of Frequency Therapy. sistema urinario humano 3d includes software with a Database of over 6000 frequencies. With your computers Soundcard, you can deliver a Frequency to any RIFE device (e.g. Plasma). If you don’t have a device we have several options you can choose from to safely and effectively deliver this experience to your clients.

Why need sistema urinario humano 3d?
Why need sistema urinario humano 3d?
1) Green examination on the body without any harm. Painless, Noninvasive , Non-radiative, simplicity of operation,Comprehensive detection, Understandability, Faster detection, predictable
2) Not only can see the health status of the internal organs, and also easy to Know health trends after 3-5 years.
3) Rapid detection of 12 systems of the body tissue changes, can be comparison relevant range of scanning up to 300 completed the speed of light 100,000 scan points to ensure the accuracy of detection.
4) Quickly to help the user to understanding of the role of specific organ in advance.
5) To make test data on the efficacy of daily food or health food.
6) Provide the professional image of teaching materials for the training of the practitioners expertise.
7) Provide the basis tracking for the sale of health products efficacy.
8) Can provide personality health professional data recovery plan for consumers.
9) Can provide daily health diet guidancefor consumers.

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