NLS Physics of Information Medicine.pdf free download
Physics of Information Medicine.pdf
Dedicated to 85th anniversary of the
Academician Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov
Edited by V.I. Nesterov, the President of International Non?linear
Diagnostic System Academy, full member of
Medical?Technical Academy.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
OF MODERN NATURAL SCIENCE ……………………………………………………………. 28
OF THE U.S. ARMED FORCES ……………………………………………………………………… 52
STUDIES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 56
UNIT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 65
LETERATURE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 78
EVENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 86
22.314 (4Ros?Moskva)
The collection of proceedings of Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP)
“Topical problems of NLS?diagnostics (theoretical and clinical)” /Under
editorship V.I.Nesterov. — Moscow: PROSPEKT Publishing house, 2006. — 88 pages
? 5000 copies.
ISBN 5?94349?037?Х
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mental set and desirable erudition the author tries to fill such a gap. Upon offer?
ing a hypothesis the scientist fearlessly and, to my mind, quite correctly uses
knowledge from different areas: cosmology and philosophy, psychology and crys?
tallography, cybernetics and genetics.
In order to corroborate his positions the author quite often applies to the lat?
est scientific theories and hypotheses being outside of established scientific para?
digm and not universally recognized. Nevertheless, such an approach seems to be
quite reasonable even by availability of serious theoretical substantiations and
experimental confirmations.
Vladimir Nesterov is one of the scientists for whom the world is not limited by
visual reality. But at the same time regardless to numerous temptations the author
takes sufficiently weighted stand. A “razor blade” he is neatly balancing on lies
between two everlasting extremes — ancient empirical experience quite often
bungled in psychological clothes of mysticism and esoterics, from the one hand,
and the science as specialized kind of human activity, from the other hand.
The history of scientific cognition is a field of daring suggestions and their
permanent retractions. Opening new horizons of science before readers the
author insensibly involves them into co?work and co?cognition as well as induces
them to revision of established views not only on the problem of the human but his
place in the universe as well. Psychological effect of this work is intensified by the
fact that during narration the author continually touches serious problems of
world view nature. This is very actually nowadays when mankind is challenged
by the problem of survival in many respects related to the insistent need of urgent
development of a new paradigm of existence, consciousness and activity.
Nesterov successfully combines carefulness of a scientist with respect to read?
ers and understanding of their interests. This fact does not scare readers away by
scientific and especially pseudo?scientific terminology. The present work is not
bureaucratic philosophizing but vivid and distinct statement of own sometimes
unexpected views. Precise putting questions and originality of consciousness per?
fectly combines with the author’s ability to narrate about complex things intelli?
gibly and clearly.
Academician A.N.Berestov
More and more scientists are inclined to the thought that our world is not only
material objects and that there is another layer of reality — a certain global
information field of the Universe, i.e. something like space library in which enor?
mous volumes of information are stored. Ancient Hindus called these areas of
delicate world as Akashi chronicles and modern scientists as energoinformation
field or semantic field of the Universe…And an area in which human thoughts,
V. Nesterov
The work you are holding in your hands now is somehow epochal. It is itch?
ing to seal the cover with the stamp of “XXI century”. Of course, main facts set
forth therein were known much earlier. But they were scattered in hundreds and
thousands of inaccessible publications, but above all their combinatorics, inter?
pretation and understanding looked differently and added up to a tough as
Procrustean bed alternative of “either — or”, of course, in favor of scientific
approach and to the prejudice of na?ve and old?fashioned popular illusions.
Nowadays, when mankind has stepped with one leg into the information age,
its previous views on the world and itself therein are undergoing serious correc?
tion exceeding all previous intellectual revolutions in the scopes and conse?
A phantom longing for recent perception of the customary and comfortable as
worn?in shoes visual environment, genome decoding unwittingly reminding
atomism of Democritus can not hide the fact that psychology of virtual realities,
logic of nonlinear processes, philosophy of unstable states, hybrid structures and
composite scientific disciplines are currently getting out to the field of knowledge.
Active formation of natural and related thereto abstract sciences is taking place
as a new philosophy of invisible.
The things that seemed to dissipate upon approaching to the “scalpel” of
impartial scientific arguments unexpectedly start merging therewith creating a
detonating mixture of new consciousness and information civilization.
We have to do V. Nesterov’s creative impudence due honors as his uncommon
work is in the course of growing tendencies.
The author of this fascinating work can be reasonably referred to represen?
tatives of so called deviant science — deviating from conventional orthodox cri?
teria and views. Seemingly conflicting with established conceptions this area of
science in general plays quite positive role. It not only reveals shortages of exist?
ing theoretical models but offers its own conceptions and cognitive strategies. The
“Russian school” is always notable for such a scientific dissidence. The gone XX
century was no exception. Just let me mention names of such thinkers as K.E.
Tsyolkovsky (“Space philosophy”) A.L. Tchizhevsky (heliobiology and influence
of the Sun on historical processes), D.L. Andreev (metahistory), L.N.Gumilev
(theory of passionarity) to make it sure… It can be said for sure that as many
modern Russian scientists studying connections between natural and human
things Vladimir Nesterov keeps on this tradition… Practically all work is devot?
ed to phenomena not being explained yet by the classic science. Having wide
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information. It seems unbelievable because from the school?time the most
comfortable concept of time sits in our consciousness. It can be well illus?
trated by habitual graphs where a direct arrow (flow) of time is always direct?
ed rightwards, i.e. from the past to the future and time itself is linear as a
bridge or a board thrown across the precipice: one wrong move and you are
dead. It is obvious to pupils, but not to scientists. Nowadays they are increas?
ingly inclined to other models.
There are even the most uncommon hypotheses. Some scientists suppose
that a set of worlds equal by their history but shifted in time relative to each
other can exist simultaneously. Then it is enough to look into the required
parallel world in order to get in the future (or the past). Others set up a
hypothesis on availability of two counter?current flows of time. The first flow
— coming from the past to the future and more intensive — we take it as our
own. Scientists explain many chronoanomalies by interaction of these flows.
Whether counter?current flows by any reason get balanced, then real bodies
as if fall out of time and can even disappear from our reality. Whether the
counter?current flow suddenly excess our own one, then it is possible to find
ourselves in other time…
Professor of the Pulkovo observatory N.A. Kozyrev (1908?1983) devel?
oped its own conception of time. Not going into details let us make a note of
the most important for us — conclusion of the scientist: “The future already
exists; therefore it is not surprising that we can observe it right now”.
This idea said by the scientist’s mouth is stunning. But the most interest?
ing that Kozyrev has experimentally proved its hypothesis. By pointing closed
(!) by the cover telescope objective at one or other star the astrophysicist
learnt out to “catch” and measure so called “flows of time” coming from them
not only from the place where the star is visible (it is long ago in some other
place because it moved meanwhile the light came to us), but as well as from
the place of its present and even future position (!) ? from a place where it will
come, for example, in some thousand years. For purity of the experiment the
telescope was also pointed at the place where by accounts the star shall be
never. In this case there was no flow of time. So the conclusion is single:
nowadays information comes both from the past as well as form the future.
The same was proved by American scientists G. Puthoff and R. Targ but
in absolutely different way. Making an experiment on telepathic transfer of
visual images for long distances they unmatched actions of the inductor
(transmitter) and the percipient (receiver) by time without informing them.
Result? By words of the researchers, the percipient received telepathic images
with 80% coincidence… an hour before they were oscillated by the inductor.
Research of such demonstrations of human perception which at first sight
ideas, historical and personal events are stored is called noosphere, i.e. the earth
part of the universe knowledge bank.
The cosmic archive contains information on everything: the past and the
present, possible variants of the future, ideas and creative intentions… As far
back as in April of 1982 academician M.A. Markov told at the meeting of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR the following: “information field of the
Universe by layers and structure reminds a matreshka where each layer is hier?
archically connected with much higher layers up to the absolute and except of
information bank is a regulator of onset of destinies of people and mankind”.
“Nowadays we can speak that so called Semantic Universe or semantic space
co?existing with our temporary space and, moreover, revealing in it is appearing
before our eyes”.
Professor V.V.Nalimov
“Where from does the consciousness extract huge volumes of information? It
is typical that almost all knowledge of exact sciences was obtained by intuition
rather than by logical and formal way. This connection was able to be explained
by existence of a certain information bank which the consciousness is interacting
with…The information bank itself pretends to be a set of independent stable
objects of phantom type that nevertheless are not created by individual con?
sciousness but is reflection of universal ideas existing as if outside of time and
space. And the brain pretends to be peculiar biocomputer…There is every reason
to believe that new knowledge appears as a product of interaction of conscious?
ness with the environment, a certain information field. And such interaction is
psychophysical one by its nature”.
Academician А.Е.Akimov
Scientists believe that there are certain channels and passages between our
physical world and the world of ideas allowing moving both ways. So, we can
get in that world and pick up some information.
Thus, a famous physician David Bome that had been cooperating with
Einstein for many years thinks that our world (the one we know) is merely an
aspect of reality, its evident or comprehensive order. And its generating
matrix is the hidden order, i.e. the sphere concealed from us, in which time
and order are rolled up.
As we have no concept of time in “those” worlds, so we have no speed con?
cept there as well. Thus, transfer of information takes place under laws other
than ones of our physical world, i.e. instantly. Probability thereof was proved
by English scientists from the Royal Research Institute “Signals and radar”.
They designed a special device that allowed them to prove instant transfer of
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