In the temperature range of 301.5?321.3 K magnetite is in labile state, and
upon disturbing influence on its crystal lattice, a spin re?orientation transfer
accompanied by alternation of values of magnetic resistance and magnetic
susceptibility takes place in it. At that the value of hyperfine decomposition
of spectra is not much dependant on values of external magnetic field. In this
case obtaining of zoned structure of energy spectra at the expense of the sys?
tem of delocalized р?electrons of 57 Fe isotope of impurity centers of nerve
positron or into two quarks; anti?x can decay into quark and electron or two
antiquarks, accordingly. Integrated probability of decay of x equals to inte?
grated probability of decay of anti?x. But upon decay of x?boson more pairs
of quarks than upon decay of the same quantity of anti?x pairs of antiquarks
are being formed and less antiquarks and positrons than quarks and electrons
upon decay of anti?x. It is essentially that x?decay takes place without balance
and with some “procrastination”. Otherwise baryon asymmetry won’t be able
to be formed by general theorems.
Formation of baryon asymmetry implies global spontaneous symmetry
breakdown for many properties of the space.
Thus, there are huge areas (billions of light years) with space division of
substance with positive and negative polarization and proper physical fields
thereof conditioned by transfer of moment of rotational impulse (terminal
fields) in the Universe.
At the further stages of cosmological expansion of the Universe annihila?
tion of antiquarks with quarks, then — merging of excess quarks into baryons
takes place, and then excess electrons come into atom structures. This is the
way of origin of the substance.
Further development only proved van Hoven’s theory that includes so
called quantum chromokinetics, i.e. dynamical theory of electromagnetic
gravitational (entropic) interactions.
According to this theory, upon decay reaction quarks are given additional
level of liberty, conjugated with electromagnetic radiation of light spectrum,
thus called as color. Quantum chromokinetics (abbreviation — QCD) is very
successful in description of quantum?correlated interactions of hadrons. Its
character is ability to retain quarks! They can not be extracted from baryons
or mesons in the same way as electrons are being extracted from atoms. The
reason is creation of some “chord” retaining quark with the force not
reducible depending on distance.
Some successes obtained upon researches of supersensitive channel of
information transfer, were conditioned by scientific strategy based on con?
ceptions of physical mechanisms of initial interaction of a field with some
elementary structures acting as biological receptors being a part of nerve cells.
In the opinion of O. Reiser, mechanism of signal detection can be conceived
as a result of resonance interaction between fields generated by nerve cells of
the cerebrum and hydrogen?helium plasma of the ambient space. In the sci?
entist’s opinion, nerve cells of the cerebral cortex can be considered relative?
ly to a stable aggregation of colloid structures of quantum?mechanical nature
able to extract proper information using “Fourier transformation” and put it
in good order and sufficiently represent it though a communicative (linguis?
49 48
penalty by electric chair are of a special interest. Prof. Abarbanel marks
anomalously high results of parapsychological tests (guessing of Zener cards)
among prison officers participating in the death penalty. And these results
lasted for the next two days. Thus, an officer who turned on knife?switch
feeding the electric chair has correctly guessed the most (64?72 cards) of one
hundred Zener cards containing five different geometrical figures (square,
triangle, circle, cross and two parallel lines) in all tests. And before the death
penalty, this number was about 22?26 cards.
Physics professor John B. Hayed of London has been studying psychom?
etry during his researches of breaking of a metal bar. Thanks to that fact rely?
ing on large statistical material he discovered an increment of supersensitive
perception effect among probationers upon destruction of metal.
These and other experiments in the area of psychophysics allowed devel?
oping devices switching human normal perception by sensory interpersonal
psychological reactions. With the help of these devices an intentional expan?
sion of perceptual sphere (subconsciousness) controlled by researchers can
be executed; a barrier between layer of consciousness and the area of subcon?
sciousness carrying infinite quantity of information on visual environment is
being destructed.
In 1988 the US Congress assigned USD 145 million for research work on
development of psychotron systems that allows determining location of pits
of underground nuclear launchers and submarines with nuclear weapon
aboard from stationary objects at the territory of the USA.
Tests confirmed by space photographs have shown effectiveness of the
detection system developed.
CIA’s claim that the USSR performs large?scale researches on develop?
ment of psychotron arms systems and more than 30 laboratories in Moscow,
Leningrad, Obninsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Omsk and Novosibirsk take
part in so called “supersensitive arms race” made American Congress worry
and allowed to provide new investments into research work. In the further
budget projects a share for this purpose was increased up to USD 450 million
per annum.
Doubtless success of developers of psychotron location systems is detec?
tion with the help of “Titania” equipment of collapse point of the top secret
Stealth fighter “Lockheed F?117AE” with two nuclear bombs B?61 aboard
crashed in winter of 1991 during the “Desert Storm” operation at the territo?
ry of Iraq.
Similar new generation equipment is used by NASA (the US National
Aeronautics and Space Administration) in distant space communication sys?
tems. During space flight on the “Discovery” space shuttle American astro?
cells of the brain becomes available. Thus, mechanism of quantum?correlat?
ed interactions of biological system can be realized at the expense of energy
increment by electron upon inducing and alternation of diamagnetic
moment of impurity atoms contained in nerve cells of cerebral tissues.
Low reproducibility is the main difficulty of using parapsychological phe?
nomena in general practice. In order to increase reproducibility different
methods of forming specified bioelectrical activity of the brain, upon which
human paranormal abilities can be successfully realized are used.
Required organization of cerebral activity can appear either as a result of
organic changes or by the way of purposeful training resulting in functional
In the first case these are brain injuries (including birth traumas),
ischemic disease, atherosclerosis, congenital features of brain composition, a
number of psychical (epilepsy, schizophrenia) and neurological diseases.
In the second case these are different methods from the practice of yoga,
rebirthing, hypnosis, eidetics, medication methods and methods of active
forming of established cerebral activity by direct influence on the cortical
part of the brain and peripheral sensory systems.
In 1975 R. Monroe patented the method of potentiation of paranormal
state of the human brain at the expense of stereo sounds being entered into
the right and left ear of a probationer with the difference of 4?7 Hz.
For increment of effect of supersensitive perception R.Richards and
J.Ruddle (Oxford University) offered to use a weak alternating magnetic field
resonant to theta?rhythm of the brain in combination with photic and sound
stimuli. In the opinion of Prof. Rudolph Kapelner (Neurological Institute of
Vienna University), excited by magneto?light?acoustic impulse cerebral
hemispheres “become a source of new?type mentality and new knowledge”.
None other than Nobel Prize winner in physics Danny Gabor, the dis?
coverer of principle of holography, made an interesting conclusion that ultra?
weak photon emission observable with all animals and plant organisms exam?
ined, sharply increases when the biological system starts dying (regardless of
death type — whether as a result of, e.g. mechanical destruction, intoxica?
tion, overheating or freezing). Performed in parallel parapsychological
researches (Right test) have shown significant increase of test effectiveness
with probationers.
Dr. Siros Murphy, who has performed his studies of supersensitive per?
ception in mental and cancer hospitals, states that high paranormal abilities
were discovered both among patients of the hospitals and their medical staff.
Unique researches performed by Prof. Henry Abarbanel (Institute of
Nonlinear Science, San Diego) in San Diego federal prison during death
51 50
discovered previously unknown Greek colony established approximately in
1800 B.C. at the hill Assiros?Tiumba in Asia Minor.
The latest developments of HGY Inc. firm in the area of computer super?
sensory medical diagnostics systems merit a special attention. Computerized
tomographic systems and ultrasound scanners show stereoscopic picture of
internals in any perspective required. Reference color imposed on the picture
allows a doctor to intuitively determine areas of dyscrasia at the body’s pro?
Each of these achievements is a result of long?term researches and signif?
icant efforts of developers and manufactures of such equipment. They all
widely demonstrate unlimited abilities of systems of nonlinear analysis,
search and forecast.
nauts performed tests of the “Ariel” system aimed for emergency communi?
cation with the Earth is case of disabled radio communication or other emer?
gency situations. The US Navy also tries to use similar equipment called
“Umbriel” for communication with submarine crews.
This equipment is already out of military care. After the veil of secrecy was
lifted from such equipment large group of devices called as “brain machines”
becoming very popular in the USA, Japan and Western Europe was created.
The “Boeing” company has been already using systems of nonlinear con?
trol in aircraft construction very intensively. The computer that controls
assembling projects images of separate units and details to monitor. The sys?
tem of nonlinear control will report information on defective units in the
most natural intuitive form.
“We need an advanced technology to fundamentally change methods of
designing and manufacture. We consider “brain machines” as an obvious next
step”. (G. Hobbit, president of Воеing Тесhпо1оgу Services).
The same Boeing has developed extremely original system for testing new
aircraft models. Developers vary details of construction and with the help of
nonlinear analysis obtain proper information on “weak points” in yet unbuilt
Californian VPL?Research Company has developed and is continuously
improving the most complicated procedure that allows obtaining three?
dimensional graphic presentation of abstract massifs illustrating multifactor
intuitive forecast of financial situations. The computer program simulates
different probable extreme cases, while probability of their occurrence and
credibility value of the forecast are being estimated with the help of systems
of nonlinear analysis. According to postulates of entropy logic, situations of
danger, risk or catastrophe are easily detectable in model experiments with
the use of systems of nonlinear forecast.
In any case practical application of “brain machines” for prediction of
development of situations and making decisions under deficit of initial infor?
mation results in additional profit to companies using such equipment.
The developer of very successful designs of “brain machines” is the pro?
fessor in psychology of Vienna University, specialist in electronics Rudolph
Thus, with the help of “AGM?Меdium 12/60” device developed by АGМ
Соrроrаtiоn company (Linz, Austria) in collaboration with Vienna
University a large accident at the nuclear power plant in Norway was suc?
cessfully prevented.
Experience of using “brain machines” in archeology is very interesting.
With the help of device of the same АGМ Соrp. Dr. Solomon Poppelarous
53 52
Nowadays it is hard to fully estimate consequences of creation of psy?
chotron weapon. A country first making decisive breakthrough in this area
will obtain such superiority over its potential enemies that can be compared
with monopolistic possession of nuclear weapon only.
Although conclusions of the given study are not a step forward in estima?
tion of the program aimed to provision of the US long?term superiority in
researches in the area of PAS announced by G. Bush, the study is of signifi?
cant interest due to fundamental, comprehensive character of the work.
This fact gives to estimates and conclusions of the APS a special weight,
which, seemingly, previous works of the same type were short of.
This explains the reaction manifested by opponents of PAS development
upon publication of the given study. Its appearance once again exacerbated
debates on the matter in the Congress. But in general, main conclusions of
the APS study were not prejudiced during disputes, and this fact is of very
importance. It could be said that publication of the given report and its cen?
tral conclusions virtually exhausted debates on scientific and technical
aspects of the PAS creation program, and ultimately made clear positions of
the most authoritative in the given matter American scientists.
And what are the conclusions of the commission? In comparison with the
report’s volume (639 pages) they are very laconic. Let us quote from the very
“In the recent years gigantic steps in development of psychotron arms sys?
tems were made. In this connection new alluring opportunities to obtain
inaccessible information by using psychotron devices as well as methods of
telekinetic influence on technical systems with the purpose of their distant
destruction appear.
A 3?4?year program of military application studies performed by organi?
zations co?executors by order of the U.S Department of Defense is taking
shape. The ultimate goal of this program is assured application of PAS in
solving applied problems of the state defense.
At the same time the study group still sees significant problems in scien?
tific and technical comprehension of many matters in this area. Successful
solving of these problems plays a key role in achievement of technical char?
acteristics required for creation of effective system of psychotechnological
Characteristics of the most important PAS components shall be improved
by several orders of the value. As these components are interrelated with each
other their improvements shall be mutually coordinated. Decision of impor?
tant matters related to integration of the PAS with already existing weapon
systems in general also substantially depends on information, which is lack?
Members of the commission of the American Physical Society * resumes con?
clusion of the commission on possibilities of creation of psychotron weapon and
decision of the U.S. Government to deploy such weapon.
In January of 1996 the American Physical Society started studying the
state of development of psychotron arms systems in the USA. The results of
the study published just at the end of February 1998 represent extensive esti?
mate of possibilities to use such weapon for tasks related to matters of the
country defense.
The commission consisted of 21 members (the authors were its members
as well) set itself an object to prepare a report to be technical basis for creation
of deployed network of psychophysical weapon according to plans of sup?
porters of using psychotron systems for solving applied defense problems.
The commission was composed of specialists in different areas of science
and technology playing an important role in development of psychotron
They represent wide spectrum of scientific and industrial laboratories,
many of which directly relates to creation of psychotron weapon and auxil?
During the study we had access to secret information. Publication of the
present report was delayed for seven months during which it had been being
examined by DOD officers. As a result of such examination the report was
reduced by more than one third.
In general published results confirmed previous estimates of some leading
American scientists that at the present stage psychophysical arms systems
(PAS) can be used for meeting wide range of military challenges.
The commission has concluded that PAS can be used for creation of
principally new means and methods of prosecution of war, including creation
of new?type strategic weapon.
Creation of the physical theory of psi?phenomena by T.van Hoven was a
condition of significant progress in development of the given type of weapon.
Editor’s note: *American Physical Society (APS) is one of the largest and most authoritative American organiza?
tions uniting leading physicians of the USA, including many Nobel Prize winners.
55 54
Among other problems meant, but did not considered are level of expenses,
control over arms and strategic balance, as well as matters of home and foreign
policy related thereto. Research group of the American Physical Society that had
prepared the report “Scientific and technical aspects of development of psy?
chotron arms systems”:
N.Blumbergen, АТ & Т Bell Laboratories.
C.Patel, Harvard University.
P. Avisonis, USAF Arms Laboratory.
R.Clem, Sandia National laboratory.
А. Geriberg, Washington University.
Т. Johnson, US Military Academy.
Т. Marshall, Columbia University.
W. Morrow, Lincoln Laboratory.
А. Holecome, Mancind Unlimited Inc.
E. Vitchinsky, Cornell University.
E. Sessler, Lawrence Laboratory, Berkley.
G. Sallivan, Illinois State University.
G. Vayant, Arizona University.
E. Yariv, California Institute of Technology.
Т. Dressler, HGY Inc.
R. Zeir, Stanford University.
E.Krick, International Stanford Research Institute.
R. Jan, Princeton University.
R. Morris, Syracuse University.
А. Feyber, VPL Research.
S. Brown, J&J Inc.
The research has a long history. The decision on creation of the research
group was made by the American Physical Society on January 20, 1996; the
group was created in May 1996. Preparation of the report took 21 months (as
Patel said, “elephant gestation”); it was published on February 24, 1998. Within
seven months the report has been being examined in the US Department of
Defense as to secret information contained therein.
ing still, as we know”. The commission subjected many essential aspects of
the PAS relating to systems of management, control, communication and
Already existing psychotechnological systems give satisfactory results in
distant reconnaissance; upon organization of communication with important
distant objects, namely: submarines, aircrafts, spacecrafts etc.
Electrical screening of the given equipment, placing of the later in the
Faraday chamber, in a spacecraft or a submarine does not impede high?qual?
ity control of the distant model.
The other area of application of this equipment is forecasting and model?
ing of results of military operations and political actions, intuitive decision of
analytical tasks, choosing one of several possible outcomes in absence of any
initial information. Patterns of successful application of the PAS in creation
of space?time distant system of prevention of accidents and catastrophes are
also available. The equipment allows making forecasts on some sections: nat?
ural disasters; wars and international conflicts; air and marine catastrophes;
civil unrest etc.
Other important subject of our study is possibility to use the PAS for the
purpose of destruction of living organisms or electronic physical objects (so
called “magic weapon”).
It is certainly important for the U.S. Army to know whether such devices
are able to influence on people and to disable machinery and weapon at the
distance of thousands of kilometers.
Of all types of devices presumably able to serve the given purposes and
currently being at the development stage the most interesting one is low?fre?
quency quantum resonance Krick oscillator, which refers to the most
approved systems. Experiments with the Krick oscillator (the oscillator and
the recipient were divided by 1.5 through 30 miles between them) confirmed
possibility of distant influence on complex electronic devices and higher psy?
chic functions of living organisms.
As high?quality radiation beam is free of distortion, has minor divergence
angle and is not absorbed or dispersed by atmosphere, it is possible to place
the Krick oscillator at a space platform. In spite of so high characteristics of
the beam, possibility to use the Krick oscillator as effective weapon for dis?
abling machinery and armament and direct attack on troops in the first place
depends on experimental verification of several physical ideas so far being
considered only theoretically. If to look at this problem from the technical
positions, then the mentioned obstacles can be insuperable. Events that can
occur around these experiments in the nearest future will directly relate to the
matters of creation of strategic weapon of new type.
57 56
dulum etc. (Mizun Y.G. Biopathogenic zones — threat of disease. ?
Мoscow, 1993). A method of “rod detection” that lies in fact that such acces?
sory as, for example, a twig of hazel?tree or willow, deviates or rotates in
hands of some people coming over water?bearing, ore deposit or other abnor?
mal zones. (Malakhov А.А. Along with the rod for minerals. ? Questions and
answers, 1973, No.3).
According to some researchers this ability is inherent to from 15 to 95%
of people researched. Nevertheless, good results can be obtained by gifted
biolocation operators after long?term painstaking training only. (Sochevanov
N.N., Matveev V.S. Biophysical method in geological studies. ? Geology of
ore deposits. 1974, vol. 16,No.5; Bakirov А.G. Geological capabilities of bio?
physical method. ? Collection of reports of the conference on psychotronic
studies. Vol.1., Prague, 1973; Bondarev B.V. Biophysical effect and its appli?
cation in exploration activity. ? Scientific works of Tashkent State University,
1970, issue No. 372).
There is no equipment and methods increasing reliability of output of
biolocation operators. This fact impedes broad application of biolocation
testing nowadays.
It is highlighted in guides on rod detection that in order to get maximum
reliability of prospecting works the tree twig used as accessory shall be newly?
cut (Lomonosov М.V. About prospecting forks. ? First foundations of metal?
lurgy and ore craft. ? 1763; Blaumang М. Why does the fork rotate? ?
Science and engineering, 1975, No.1; Morish Y.I., Turobov B.V. Rod detec?
tion without mysticism. ? Nature, 1986, No.11).
The authors became interested in this claim and rod tests performed
allowed to formulate working hypothesis that synchronized interaction of the
biolocation operator with any actively functioning biological system or com?
ponents thereof exposed to intensive destruction significantly increases relia?
bility of biolocation studies. Percentage of increased reliability depends on
intuitive abilities of the operator and level of biological organization of dying
system or functional importance of used components thereof.
The authors analyzed historical data on appearance of “prophets” in the
years of social or geophysical shocks, ritual features of sacrifices, shamanism
and witchcraft from the positions of the theory of entropy logic by Theodore
van Hoven.
The is a method of increasing working capacity of operators of aviation
description and a device for its realization by influencing with series of
mechanical stimuli with the help of needles on reflexogenic zones of the skin
of breast, back, abdomen, hips and shoulders (author’s certificate of the
USSR No.738226, А 61 No.1/32, 1981).
(19) RU (11) 2119806 (13) C1
(51) 6 А 61 N 2/04
to the patent of the Russian Federation
(21) 96117021/14 (22) 21.08.96
(46) 10.10.98 Bulletin No. 28
(72) Nesterov V.I., But Y.S.
(71) (73) Nesterov Vladimir Igorevich,
But Yury Stanislavovich
(57) Method of increasing reliability of biolocation studies refers to med?
icine, namely to labour physiology. The invention allows to increase degree
of reliability of output of biolocation operators by impulse low?frequency
unipolar magnetic field with adjustable values under condition of selection of
characteristics of actuating magnetic field by the biolocation operator itself,
provided that a biological object (an organism, a system of organisms) or its
components (organs, tissues, cell elements, including blood and sperm) in
the phase of irreversible changes (death) acting as initiator of the operator’s
intuitive abilities is placed between field source and temporal region of the
operator. Using of biological initiators of high?level specific and biological
organization actively functioning before starting of the initial phase of
destruction with the application of methods of destruction of biological ini?
tiators with rough prolonged phases of final death thereof is possible. Formed
by a generator magnetic impulses influence on both hemispheres of the brain
of the biololocation operator synchronously with influence of factors causing
irreversible destructions to the biological object used as initiator of intuitive
abilities of the biolocation operator leading to its death.
The invention refers to medicine, namely to labour physiology, and can be
used by biolocation operators for increasing reliability of biolocation studies
being performed. Biolocation studies are performed with the application of
special indicators (accessories) ? bifurcated tree twig, Г?shaped frame, pen?
59 58
heating, undercooling or intoxication) at the moment of its death the biolog?
ical object rapidly increases emission of photons, whether it is animal or plant
organism (Parapsychology: Study course of Munich Institute of
Parapsychology. Moscow, 1992).
Formed by a generator magnetic impulses influence on both hemispheres
of the brain of the biololocation operator synchronously with influence of
factors causing irreversible destructions to the biological object used as initia?
tor of intuitive abilities of the biolocation operator leading to its death.
The essence of the invention lies in the following. The probationer tested
as biolocation operator preliminarily selects optimal values of parameters of
magnetic impulses causing maximum influence on him formed by inductors:
polarity of magnetic field for right and left hemispheres, values of carrier fre?
quency, magnetic induction, interruption frequency and porosity of generat?
ed unipolar magnetic impulses filled by current of carrier frequency.
For the purpose of oblective control over the value of reliability of output
as biolocation operator the probationer was offered to guess one of three or
five Zener cards containing different geometrical figures (square, triangle,
cross, circle and two parallel lines).
Each card was previously placed to the envelope made of heavyweight
opaque paper and then the envelopes were mixed in absence of probationers.
This method is also known as the Right test.
Then the biological object used as biological initiator (solitary microor?
ganisms or their colonies, different plants and animals) or parts thereof (bio?
logical liquids, cell elements and their homogenates) was placed between
temporal region of the probationer’s head and one of the magnetic inductors.
The biological object shall be functionally active, but in the initial phase of
irreversible destructions, that are inevitably shall end by its death.
The authors used already known influence factors leading to destruction
and death of biological objects: mechanical injury, including decapitation
and models of blood?letting, freezing, intoxication, multiple burns (thermal
and acid ones), starvation, dehydration, hypoxia and asphyxia, influence by
electric current, hard ionizing radiation and some own methods such as, for
example, influence by laser beam.
Main test and statistic processing of the results obtained were performed
against the background of artificially triggered destruction and death of the
biological object or system used.
The essence of the invention is proved by the following examples.
A group of probationers (n = 12) was offered to perform the Right test in
order to provide objective control over reliability of their work as biolocation
operators, i.e. to determine one of five Zener cards containing different geo?
The given technical decision is not acceptable for biolocation operators
due to peculiarities of their workplace, special equipment and operating algo?
rithm. Besides, the prototype device does not allow to adjust degree of influ?
ence of mechanical stimuli on the organism of certain operator and does not
exclude traumatism of cutaneous coverings.
There is a method of increasing working capacity of an operator of avia?
tion description by affixing to the skin of back and hips electrodes connected
to the generator of electrical impulses regulated by individually selected fre?
quency and amplitude. Two working modes are possible: periodical engaging
of stimulation upon sleepiness and muscular discomfort or constantly in the
working process (Russian patent No. 2,006,234 С1, class А 61 No.1/32).
The is a method of prophylaxis of peoples’ overfatigue and increasing their
working capacity by deepening and increasing time of natural sleep at the
expense of influence of electromagnetic oscillations on the brain in the form
of impulse signals adjustable by form, frequency, duration, porosity and
amplitude (author’s certificate of the USSR No. 700140, class А 61 No.1/32,
30.11.79, the U.S. Patents No. 3,989,051, 4,334,525 dated 15.06.82, No.
4,383,522 dated 17.05.83 ? “Lenar”?type devices).
The closest to the claimed one is the method of influence of pulse current
on central nervous system (author’s certificate of the USSR No. 904,720,
class А 61 No. 1/34, 15.02.82, author E.М. Kastrubin) through four elec?
trodes affixed to the skin of the frontal forehead and mastoid region.
The main drawback of the above prototypes is subjective setting of work?
ing mode by selecting strength of actuating current basing on unpleasant feel?
ings of the specific probationer in the points of affixing of electrodes.
As a result of analysis of engineering level it was established that the task
of increasing reliability of biolocation studies by using any physical factors
has not been being solved yet.
The goal of the invention is to develop a method increasing reliability of
output of biolocation operators by more than 80%.
The goal set is achieved by influence on both hemispheres of the brain of
the biolocation operator by impulse low?frequency unipolar magnetic field
with adjustable parameters under condition of selection of characteristics of
actuating magnetic field by the biolocation operator itself, provided that a
biological object (an organism, a system of organisms) or its components
(organs, tissues, cell elements, including blood and sperm) in the phase of
irreversible changes (death) acting as initiator of the operator’s intuitive abil?
ities is placed between field source and temporal region of the operator.
The method is based on discovery of the Nobel prize winner in physics
Danny Gabor that regardless of type of death (mechanical destruction, over?
61 60
Academy (head of the chair professor, corresponding member of Academy of
Medical?Technical Sciences doctor of medical?technical sciences Elomenko
The highest results — 84.82+/?8.14% (in control experiment, upon using
live animal ?66.48+/?7.71%) ? were obtained during the experiment with
rhesus monkey provided by a representative of HGY Company in Omsk
financing studies of the authors.
The Right test without using biological objects as initiators made up
50.07+/?12.34% in average.
Upon analysis of results obtained the authors paid their attention to the
fact that the Right test was in all cases higher with operators directly per?
forming decapitation, upon slaughter of young actively functioning and
healthy animals and depended on level of specific organization of the biolog?
ical object used.
The Right test was maximum effective upon synchronization of the biolo?
cation operator’s work with influence of factors of destruction of biological
system, i.e. upon using just slaughtered animals. Then the results have been
gradually decreasing and rapidly declined in 1.5?2.5 days (with different
species) provided that corpses were kept under indoor temperature.
The authors concurrently performed researches on studying possibilities
of application of different organs, tissues and cell embryos taken from human
and animal bodies, as well as tissues of embryos (fetal tissues after abortion)
and newborns died in childbed or within first hours or days after the birth.
Animals were used as slaughtered and died as a result of modeling of fatal
disease (peritonitis) or intoxication (overdose of narcosis) ones. Analogous
researches were performed with organs taken from bodies of people died as a
result of crash, accident, murder or suicide, as well as a result of serious
incurable disease (oncopathology).
This part of work was performed on the base of pathologoanatomic build?
ing of Omsk Medicine Academy conjointly with employees of chairs of
pathological anatomy and forensic medicine under control of the city depart?
ment of Internal Affairs and Federal Security Service.
The lowest results were obtained upon work with bone tissue as biological
initiator, the highest ones — with blood, cardiac and brain tissues.
As an example results of the Right test obtained upon using different tis?
sues of rhesus monkey as initiator can be cited: bone tissue — 54.47+/?
11.18%, muscular tissue — 56.34+/?12.31%, skin and hair — 67.13+/?
12.59%, liver tissue — 67.84+/?12.64%, testicles — 74.69+/?18.35%, blood
— 78.43+/?18.49%, cardiac tissue — 80.21+/?19.17% and, finally, brain tis?
sue — 82.93+/?20.12%. The results turned out to be higher upon work with
metrical figures (square, triangle, cross, circle and two parallel lines). Each
card was previously placed to the envelope made of heavyweight opaque
paper and then the envelopes were mixed in absence of probationers.
Upon control determination of Zener cards the biolocation operator pre?
liminarily selected optimal values of parameters of magnetic impulses formed
by inductors causing maximum influence on him by deviation angle of Г?
shaped biolocation frame. Then Petri dish with Escherichia coli culture of
microorganisms in the nutrient medium was placed between temporal region
of the probationer’s head and one of the magnetic inductors. Then Petri dish
was filled by 10 ml of 1% phenol solution as antiseptic. The main study was
performed in 5 (five) minutes after beginning of sterilization against the back?
ground of mass death of solitary specimens and all colony of microorganisms
used. When using this method the quantity of reliable information made up
68.4+/?6.18% under mathematical expectation of 20%. Control studies
showed 51.34+/?10.27% accordingly under the same mathematical expecta?
tion of 20%. Probability of accidental obtaining of this result turned out to be
less than 0.05. In the next series of tests decapitation of laboratory animals
(white mice, rats, guinea?pigs and dogs) was performed.
For decapitation of animals the authors constructed special guillotine
which design philosophy is the subject of own invention.
Carcasses of agonizing animals and their cut?off heads were placed
between one of the magnetic inductors and the head of the operator and then
the Right test was performed. Control studies, when live animals were placed
between inductor of magnetic field and operator in comparison with the ini?
tial control test — without using a biological object as biological initiator of
abilities of the biolocation operator — were performed preliminarily.
When using this method the quantity of reliable information made up as
Upon slaughter of white mice: 69.22+/?6.31% (in control experiment,
upon using live animals — 52.16+/?9.26%),
Upon using white rats: 80.14+/?6.42% (in control experiment, upon
using live animals — 64.53+/?8.17%),
Guinea?pigs: 69.89+/?8.41% (in control experiment, upon using live ani?
mals — 55.34+/?7.13%),
Rabbits: 76.18+/?7.64% (in control experiment, upon using live animals
— 56.45+/?8.06%),
Dogs: 82.64+/?7.88% (in control experiment, upon using live animals —
Experimental part of the work was performed in the laboratories of the
chair of topographical anatomy and operative surgery of Omsk Medicine
63 62
sis of lifetime of the patients tested (cancer of stomach, breast, head of pan?
creas, uterus and lungs). These researches were performed in patholo?
goanatomic building of Omsk Medicine Academy by lecturer of the chair of
topographical anatomy and operative surgery But Y.S.
Obtained increasing of reliability of biolocation studies using the claimed
method allowed authors to successfully test it upon guessing winning num?
bers of cash and prize lotteries. Number of winnings in the group of proba?
tioners subjected to influence of magnetic field in the presence of a biologi?
cal initiator (corpse material) was 3.7 times higher than in control group.
1. Method of increasing reliability of biolocation studies by influence on
both hemispheres of the brain of the biolocation operator by impulse low?fre?
quency unipolar magnetic field with parameters adjustable by the operator
himself, provided that between one of field sources and temporal region of
the operator the biological indicator of his intuitive abilities in the form of a
biological system, biological object or components thereof in the initial phase
of irreversible changes, inevitably ended by destruction and death of the used
biological initiator, is placed; and the work of the biolocation operator shall
be synchronized with the moment of maximum destruction of biological ini?
2. Method as in clause 1 differing by selection of biological initiators of
high?level specific and biological organization actively functioning before
start of the initial phase of destruction and by using methods of destruction
of biological initiators with rough prolonged phases of their final death.
fetal tissues, an organ’s homogenate washed by concentrated sulphuric acid
or placed under laser beam or between carbon electrodes periodically gener?
ating electric corona dischage synchronically with the work of the magnetic
inductor and the biolocation operator rather than entire organ.
The highest result of the Right test was obtained upon work with the
corpse of Mr. S., 36 years old. His death occurred as a result of multiple gun?
shot wounds in the area of abdomen and lower extremities from loss of criti?
cal volume of blood. In 9 (nine) hours after the death the Right test made up
96.42+/?12.34%, in a day its effectiveness decreased to 88.34+/?11.24%, in
three days — up to 74.82+/?10.18%.
Upon work with the corpse of Mrs. Y., 76 years old pensioner, died from
multiple metastases to mesenteric lymph nodes against the background of
high?grade cachexia, with the clinical diagnosis of IV?degree cancer of stom?
ach, the Right test performed in 4 (four) hours after the death made up
79.47+/?10.21%, in a day — 71.13+/?9.97%, in three days — 56.39+/?
Finally, possibility of using patients with serious chronic (cancer) brain
diseases was evaluated.
Thus, with patient N., 49 years old with the diagnosis of IV?degree cere?
brum medulloblastoma (died in 9 weeks after research) the Right test made
up 79.13+/?10.17%.
Upon work with patient C., 54 years old (diagnosis: extracerebral tumor
of the brain) the Right test made up 72.26+/?10.11%.
Thus, the following conclusion was made. The younger and functionally
more active the biological object used as biological initiator of intuitive abil?
ities of biolocation operators the harder its destruction and death, then the
higher percentage of guessing Zener cards by probationers as biolocation
operators. Whether the biological object used as biological initiator of intu?
itive abilities of biolocation operators is functionally incomplete or has
chronic diseases or intoxications or mechanism of its death is transient, then
the lower percentage of guessing by probationers as biolocation operators.
In order to facilitate statistical processing of obtained data at the moment
of adjustment of magnetic inductors the authors have developed a special
software program. In the work the authors used a conventional generator of
magnetic impulses of “Gradient” type equipped with current breaker in the
chain of magnetic inductors modified for separate adjusting parameters of N?
S inductors and conjugated with computer control program and sound card.
The claimed method was tested by the authors during medical biolocation
diagnostics with the purpose to determine possibilities of diagnosis verifica?
tion of patients with oncopathology confirmed on surgical table and progno?
The present invention relates generally to a biofeedback medical diagnos?
tic system. More particularly, the system of the invention utilizes remote
noninvasive biofeedback signal between the operator, the patient, and the
CPT (central processing and telemetry) device to determine a pathological
condition of the patient. The biofeedback signal is generated subconsciously
and is based on device enhanced intuition.
A variety of medical diagnostic systems are known in the art to deter?
mine the patho?physiological status of the patient in general and to diag?
nose a variety of ailments and their state of progression. A simple example
of such a system is a visual diagnostic device based on critical fusion fre?
quency such as described in the U.S? Pat. No. 6,129,436 by Treskov or the
Russian Patents No. 339,280 and 1,076,087. In a self?administered test, the
patient can gradually increase the frequency of a blinking light until the
point of fusion is reached and the patient is unable to distinguish between
individual bursts of light. The frequency of that fusion is indicative of the
state of the patient’s nervous system and can be tracked over time to moni?
tor its changes. An improvement is described in the Russian Patent No.
814,337 wherein the test is administered before and after a physical exer?
cise. Such systems have generally limited ability to indicate the variety of
patient’s conditions due to the fact that only a part of the nervous system
responsible for processing a visual stimulus is involved with the test. Such
complex phenomenon as a change in working ability or the state of tired?
ness of a patient frequently results from other changes in the nervous sys?
tem that would go undetected by such a device.
65 64