MAIKONG Metatron 4025 Hunter,3d nls sub health analyzer factory

Here’s a Quick Way to Know all 3d nls scan info

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3d nls scan

3d nls scan

How The 3d nls scan Diagnostics System Works

3d nls scan Diagnostics is the reading, processing and analysing of information discerned from the output of electromagnetic waves issued by the human body, making it possible to define the character, origins, and degree of potentially harmful processes. The Metatron decodes this information during a diagnostic session, and can also roughly forecast future health dynamics.

Scanning is accomplished by means of magnetic inductors, which are special trigger sensors capable of measuring the state of cells in the human body, as well as the activity of bacteria, parasites, and other infectious agents inhabiting it. Metatron targets the subcortical brain – the largest repository of information about the ongoing process within an organism.

Information received during a short diagnostic session is reformed into a digital signal, which is subsequently decoded and analysed by Metatron’s unique medical software. 3d nls scan’s software database contains a total of over 10,000 spectral etalons of various preparations, illnesses and specifications.

All the information about a state of your body (spectral-entropic code)
Is delivered to a brain and analyzed.

Metatron system uses special trigger sensors to tune to resonance frequency of a control signal of a researched organ, then it reads the information , decodes it and displays on a screen in a form of threedimensional models of orga ns, tissues, cells and their organelles.


3d nls scan Diagnostics aims to obtain information about the state of a patient’s health using a unique medical computer-software package. The data about an objective state of body tissues, cells, and hormones, are transmitted in real time, and are instantly decoded in the form of specific diagnosis and recommendations.


All the information about the state of the patient’s health is transmitted to the brain. Special trigger sensors in the form of magnetic inductors shaped like headphones are used to obtain this information. Unique medical software decodes the data, and displays it on a computer screen in the form of three dimensional model images of organs, tissues, and cells. A specific marker system is used to highlight pathological conditions.


What Can 3d nls scan Test?

• Complex Analysis Of All Organs And Systems Of The Human Body
• The Cardiovascular System • Gastro-Intestinal Tract
• Genital-Urinary System • Musculoskeletal System
• Bronchi-Pulmonary System • The Endocrine System
• Visual And Hearing Aids/Organs • The Nervous System
• Biochemical Analysis Of Blood Without Interference
• Infection In The Organs And Systems – Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi,
• Protozoa, Helminths Infection, Etc.
(Staphylococci And Streptococci, Giardiasis, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, Urea Plasma, And More)
• Qualitative Assessment Of Hormone Levels, Adrenal, Pituitary, Pancreas, Thyroid, Gonads • Level Of Immunity
• Allergy Diagnosis (Complex Tests Up To 500 Allergens)
• Medical Testing (Individual Selection Of Drugs) • Chromosomal Diagnosis
• Laboratory Analysis (Blood Counts, Biochemical Parameters, Hormones, Trace Elements)
• Treatment Of Pathological Processes Identified By The Bio Resonance Therapy (Meta-Therapy).
• Treatment Method Litho-Therapy (Spectral Frequencies Individually Selected Minerals)
• Fear, Emotional Matrix, Relationship Matrix
• Assessment of the chakras and aura (An aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living being and is manifested in the physical field by electrically charged objects that represent themselves as different colors that surround the body. This electromagnetic field can provide information regarding a person’s emotional state, the quality of consciousness and will determine the level of health regarding an individual organ and organ systems.)

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3d nls scan

3d nls scan

3d nls scan

3d nls scan

3d nls scan

3d nls scan

3d nls scan


What is 3d nls scan function?

onance 3d nls scan Diagnostic Machines For USA And Beyond

how do 3d nls scans function?-Bioresonance testing using a medically certified diagnostic machine, allows the operator to determine which organs are being placed under stress. Based on this information, the diagnostic machine can recommend a variety of natural supplements and remedies which may provide a beneficial outcome based on mathematical calculations, given the pathological processes occurring in the patient’s body.

This innovative scanning machine can test the patient for thousands of etalons of vitamins, foods, toxins, minerals plus more.

What can bioresonance test for?

Whilst bioresonance devices are frequently used for allergy testing, this is just one of its functions. It can also be used to identify parasites, or toxicity infestations before they impact the function of the liver, typically resulting in allergic-based reactions. Once the machine has detected a parasite in the patients’ digestive tract, this can often be treated with diet and lifestyle alterations, remedies and natural supplements. Other conditions this machine can detect include:

Irritable bowel syndrome/constipation/bloating
Ear problems
Digestion problems
Unexplained tiredness
Mucus problems such as sinus congestion


3d nls scan Package includes:

1.8D-LRIS Device Host x1

2.Bio-inductor x1

3.USB Power cable x1

4.Bio-inductor cable x1

5.CD x1

6.Resonant chamber x1

7.Aluminum case x1 8.Dongle x1 9.Bio-inductor sleeve x3

If you would like to know more, call or email us. Ask about an online demonstration through Teamviewer or Skype.


What 3d nls scan SPECIFICATIONS:

Software with Lifetime of Software Upgrades

Internal frequency generator

Incoming signal filter

Resonance chamber

Accurate anatomic structures

Histological virtual models

Metapathia GR Professional




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3d nls scan

3d nls scan

3d nls scan

3d nls scan

3d nls scan

Where to use the 3d nls scan?

Doctors and medical practitioners
Diagnostic Rooms
Sports Medicine Specialists
Fitness Centers and Spas
Oriental Medicine Centers
Distributors of Homeopathic
Medicines and Dietary Supplements
Medical Clinics
Scientific Research Centers
Sanatorium Resorts



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