(21) 96117021/14
(22) 21.08.96
(46) 10.10.98 Bulletin No. 28
(72) Nesterov V.I., But Y.S.
(71) (73) Nesterov Vladimir Igorevich,
But Yury Stanislavovich
(57) Method of increasing reliability of biolocation
studies refers to medicine, namely to labour
physiology. The invention allows to increase degree
of reliability of output of biolocation operators
by impulse low-frequency unipolar magnetic field
with adjustable values under condition of selection
of characteristics of actuating magnetic field by the
biolocation operator itself, provided that a biological
object (an organism, a system of organisms) or its
components (organs, tissues, cell elements, including
blood and sperm) in the phase of irreversible changes
(death) acting as initiator of the operator’s intuitive
abilities is placed between field source and temporal
region of the operator. Using of biological initiators
of high-level specific and biological organization actively
functioning before starting of the initial phase
of destruction with the application of methods of destruction
of biological initiators with rough prolonged
phases of final death thereof is possible. Formed by
a generator magnetic impulses influence on both
hemispheres of the brain of the biololocation operator
synchronously with influence of factors causing
irreversible destructions to the biological object used
as initiator of intuitive abilities of the biolocation operator
leading to its death.
The invention refers to medicine, namely to labour
physiology, and can be used by biolocation operators
for increasing reliability of biolocation studies
being performed.
Biolocation studies are performed with the application
of special indicators (accessories) – bifurcated
tree twig, Г-shaped frame, pendulum etc. (Mizun
Y.G. Biopathogenic zones – threat of disease. –
Мoscow, 1993).
A method of “rod detection” that lies in fact that
such accessory as, for example, a twig of hazel-tree
or willow, deviates or rotates in hands of some people
coming over water-bearing, ore deposit or other
abnormal zones. (Malakhov А.А. Along with the rod
for minerals. – Questions and answers, 1973, No.3).
According to some researchers this ability is
inherent to from 15 to 95% of people researched.
Nevertheless, good results can be obtained by gifted
biolocation operators after long-term painstaking
training only. (Sochevanov N.N., Matveev V.S. BiRussian
agency on patents
and trademarks
12) Description of the invention to the
patent of the Russian Federation
(19) RU (11) 2119806 (13) C1
(51) 6 А 61 N 2/04Physical basics of informational interaction
ophysical method in geological studies. – Geology
of ore deposits. 1974, vol. 16, No.5; Bakirov А.G.
Geological capabilities of biophysical method. –
Collection of reports of the conference on psychotronic
studies. Vol.1., Prague, 1973; Bondarev B.V.
Biophysical effect and its application in exploration
activity. – Scientific works of Tashkent State University,
1970, issue No. 372).
There is no equipment and methods increasing
reliability of output of biolocation operators. This
fact impedes broad application of biolocation testing
It is highlighted in guides on rod detection that
in order to get maximum reliability of prospecting
works the tree twig used as accessory shall be newlycut
(Lomonosov М.V. About prospecting forks. –
First foundations of metallurgy and ore craft. – 1763;
Blaumang М. Why does the fork rotate? – Science
and engineering, 1975, No.1; Morish Y.I., Turobov
B.V. Rod detection without mysticism. – Nature,
1986, No.11).
The authors became interested in this claim and
rod tests performed allowed to formulate working hypothesis
that synchronized interaction of the biolocation
operator with any actively functioning biological
system or components thereof exposed to intensive
destruction significantly increases reliability of biolocation
studies. Percentage of increased reliability
depends on intuitive abilities of the operator and level
of biological organization of dying system or functional
importance of used components thereof.
The authors analyzed historical data on appearance
of “prophets” in the years of social or geophysical
shocks, ritual features of sacrifices, shamanism
and witchcraft from the positions of the theory of entropy
logic by Theodore van Hoven.
The is a method of increasing working capacity of
operators of aviation description and a device for its
realization by influencing with series of mechanical
stimuli with the help of needles on reflexogenic zones
of the skin of breast, back, abdomen, hips and shoulders
(author’s certificate of the USSR No. 738226,
А 61 No.1/32, 1981).
The given technical decision is not acceptable
for biolocation operators due to peculiarities of their
workplace, special equipment and operating algorithm.
Besides, the prototype device does not allow
to adjust degree of influence of mechanical stimuli
on the organism of certain operator and does not exclude
traumatism of cutaneous coverings.
There is a method of increasing working capacity
of an operator of aviation description by affixing
to the skin of back and hips electrodes connected
to the generator of electrical impulses regulated by
individually selected frequency and amplitude. Two
working modes are possible: periodical engaging of
stimulation upon sleepiness and muscular discomfort
or constantly in the working process (Russian patent
No. 2,006,234 С1, class А 61 No.1/32).
The is a method of prophylaxis of peoples’ overfatigue
and increasing their working capacity by
deepening and increasing time of natural sleep at the
expense of influence of electromagnetic oscillations
on the brain in the form of impulse signals adjustable
by form, frequency, duration, porosity and amplitude
(author’s certificate of the USSR No. 700140,
class А 61 No.1/32, 30.11.79, the U.S. Patents No.
3,989,051, 4,334,525 dated 15.06.82, No. 4,383,522
dated 17.05.83 – “Lenar”-type devices).
The closest to the claimed one is the method of
influence of pulse current on central nervous system
(author’s certificate of the USSR No. 904,720,
class А 61 No. 1/34, 15.02.82, author E.М. Kastrubin)
through four electrodes affixed to the skin of the
frontal forehead and mastoid region.
The main drawback of the above prototypes
is subjective setting of working mode by selecting
strength of actuating current basing on unpleasant
feelings of the specific probationer in the points of
affixing of electrodes.
As a result of analysis of engineering level it was
established that the task of increasing reliability of
biolocation studies by using any physical factors has
not been being solved yet.
The goal of the invention is to develop a method
increasing reliability of output of biolocation operators
by more than 80%.
The goal set is achieved by influence on both
hemispheres of the brain of the biolocation operator
by impulse low-frequency unipolar magnetic field
with adjustable parameters under condition of selection
of characteristics of actuating magnetic field by
the biolocation operator itself, provided that a biological
object (an organism, a system of organisms)
or its components (organs, tissues, cell elements, including
blood and sperm) in the phase of irreversible
changes (death) acting as initiator of the operator’s
intuitive abilities is placed between field source and
temporal region of the operator.
The method is based on discovery of the Nobel
prize winner in physics Danny Gabor that regardless
of type of death (mechanical destruction, overheating,
undercooling or intoxication) at the moment of
its death the biological object rapidly increases emission
of photons, whether it is animal or plant organism
(Parapsychology: Study course of Munich Institute
of Parapsychology. Moscow, 1992).
Formed by a generator magnetic impulses influence
on both hemispheres of the brain of the biololocation
operator synchronously with influence of fac–44-
tors causing irreversible destructions to the biological
object used as initiator of intuitive abilities of the biolocation
operator leading to its death.
The essence of the invention lies in the following.
The probationer tested as biolocation operator
preliminarily selects optimal values of parameters of
magnetic impulses causing maximum influence on
him formed by inductors: polarity of magnetic field
for right and left hemispheres, values of carrier frequency,
magnetic induction, interruption frequency
and porosity of generated unipolar magnetic impulses
filled by current of carrier frequency.
For the purpose of oblective control over the value
of reliability of output as biolocation operator the
probationer was offered to guess one of three or five
Zener cards containing different geometrical figures
(square, triangle, cross, circle and two parallel lines).
Each card was previously placed to the envelope
made of heavyweight opaque paper and then the envelopes
were mixed in absence of probationers. This
method is also known as the Rhine test.
Then the biological object used as biological initiator
(solitary microorganisms or their colonies, different
plants and animals) or parts thereof (biological
liquids, cell elements and their homogenates) was
placed between temporal region of the probationer’s
head and one of the magnetic inductors. The biological
object shall be functionally active, but in the initial
phase of irreversible destructions, that are inevitably
shall end by its death.
The authors used already known influence factors
leading to destruction and death of biological objects:
mechanical injury, including decapitation and models
of blood-letting, freezing, intoxication, multiple
burns (thermal and acid ones), starvation, dehydration,
hypoxia and asphyxia, influence by electric current,
hard ionizing radiation and some own methods
such as, for example, influence by laser beam.
Main test and statistic processing of the results
obtained were performed against the background of
artificially triggered destruction and death of the biological
object or system used.
The essence of the invention is proved by the following
A group of probationers (n = 12) was offered to
perform the Rhine test in order to provide objective
control over reliability of their work as biolocation
operators, i.e. to determine one of five Zener cards
containing different geometrical figures (square, triangle,
cross, circle and two parallel lines).
Each card was previously placed to the envelope
made of heavyweight opaque paper and then the envelopes
were mixed in absence of probationers.
Upon control determination of Zener cards the
biolocation operator preliminarily selected optimal
values of parameters of magnetic impulses formed
by inductors causing maximum influence on him by
deviation angle of Г-shaped biolocation frame. Then
Petri dish with Escherichia coli culture of microorganisms
in the nutrient medium was placed between
temporal region of the probationer’s head and one of
the magnetic inductors. Then Petri dish was filled by
10 ml of 1% phenol solution as antiseptic. The main
study was performed in 5 (five) minutes after beginning
of sterilization against the background of mass
death of solitary specimens and all colony of microorganisms
When using this method the quantity of reliable
information made up 68.4+/-6.18% under mathematical
expectation of 20%. Control studies showed
51.34+/-10.27% accordingly under the same mathematical
expectation of 20%. Probability of accidental
obtaining of this result turned out to be less than 0.05.
In the next series of tests decapitation of laboratory
animals (white mice, rats, guinea-pigs and dogs)
was performed.
For decapitation of animals the authors constructed
special guillotine which design philosophy is
the subject of own invention.
Carcasses of agonizing animals and their cutoff
heads were placed between one of the magnetic
inductors and the head of the operator and then the
Rhine test was performed. Control studies, when live
animals were placed between inductor of magnetic
field and operator in comparison with the initial control
test – without using a biological object as biological
initiator of abilities of the biolocation operator
– were performed preliminarily.
When using this method the quantity of reliable
information made up as follows:
Upon slaughter of white mice: 69.22+/-6.31%
(in control experiment, upon using live animals –
Upon using white rats: 80.14+/-6.42% (in
control experiment, upon using live animals –
64.53+/ 8.17%),
Guinea-pigs: 69.89+/-8.41% (in control experiment,
upon using live animals – 55.34+/-7.13%),
Rabbits: 76.18+/-7.64% (in control experiment,
upon using live animals – 56.45+/-8.06%),
Dogs: 82.64+/-7.88% (in control experiment,
upon using live animals – 67.13+/-8.32%).
Experimental part of the work was performed in
the laboratories of the chair of topographical anatomy
and operative surgery of Omsk Medicine Academy
(head of the chair professor, corresponding member
of Academy of Medical-Technical Sciences doctor of
medical-technical sciences Elomenko S.N.).
The highest results – 84.82+/-8.14% (in control
experiment, upon using live animal –66.48+/ 7.71%) Physical basics of informational interaction
– were obtained during the experiment with rhesus
monkey provided by a representative of HGY Company
in Omsk financing studies of the authors.
The Rhine test without using biological objects as
initiators made up 50.07+/-12.34% in average.
Upon analysis of results obtained the authors
paid their attention to the fact that the Rhine test was
in all cases higher with operators directly performing
decapitation, upon slaughter of young actively functioning
and healthy animals and depended on level
of specific organization of the biological object used.
The Rhine test was maximum effective upon syn –
chronization of the biolocation operator’s work with
influence of factors of destruction of biological system,
i.e. upon using just slaughtered animals. Then the results
have been gradually decreasing and rapidly declined
in 1.5–2.5 days (with different species) provided
that corpses were kept under indoor temperature.
The authors concurrently performed researches
on studying possibilities of application of different
organs, tissues and cell embryos taken from human
and animal bodies, as well as tissues of embryos (fetal
tissues after abortion) and newborns died in childbed
or within first hours or days after the birth.
Animals were used as slaughtered and died as
a result of modeling of fatal disease (peritonitis) or
intoxication (overdose of narcosis) ones. Analogous
researches were performed with organs taken from
bodies of people died as a result of crash, accident,
murder or suicide, as well as a result of serious incurable
disease (oncopathology).
This part of work was performed on the base
of pathologoanatomic building of Omsk Medicine
Academy conjointly with employees of chairs of
pathological anatomy and forensic medicine under
control of the city department of Internal Affairs and
Federal Security Service.
The lowest results were obtained upon work with
bone tissue as biological initiator, the highest ones –
with blood, cardiac and brain tissues.
As an example results of the Rhine test obtained
upon using different tissues of rhesus monkey as initiator
can be cited: bone tissue – 54.47+/-11.18%,
muscular tissue – 56.34+/-12.31%, skin and hair –
67.13+/-12.59%, liver tissue – 67.84+/-12.64%, testicles
– 74.69+/-18.35%, blood – 78.43+/-18.49%,
cardiac tissue – 80.21+/-19.17% and, finally, brain
tissue – 82.93+/-20.12%.
The results turned out to be higher upon work
with fetal tissues, an organ’s homogenate washed by
concentrated sulphuric acid or placed under laser
beam or between carbon electrodes periodically generating
electric corona dischage synchronically with
the work of the magnetic inductor and the biolocation
operator rather than entire organ.
The highest result of the Rhine test was obtained
upon work with the corpse of Mr. S., 36 years old. His
death occurred as a result of multiple gunshot wounds
in the area of abdomen and lower extremities from
loss of critical volume of blood. In 9 (nine) hours after
the death the Rhine test made up 96.42+/-12.34%, in
a day its effectiveness decreased to 88.34+/-11.24%,
in three days – up to 74.82+/-10.18%.
Upon work with the corpse of Mrs. Y., 76 years
old pensioner, died from multiple metastases to mesenteric
lymph nodes against the background of highgrade
cachexia, with the clinical diagnosis of IVdegree
cancer of stomach, the Rhine test performed
in 4 (four) hours after the death made up 79.47+/-
10.21%, in a day – 71.13+/-9.97%, in three days –
Finally, possibility of using patients with serious
chronic (cancer) brain diseases was evaluated.
Thus, with patient N., 49 years old with the diagnosis
of IV-degree cerebrum medulloblastoma (died
in 9 weeks after research) the Rhine test made up
Upon work with patient C., 54 years old (diagnosis:
extracerebral tumor of the brain) the Rhine test
made up 72.26+/-10.11%.
Thus, the following conclusion was made. The
younger and functionally more active the biological
object used as biological initiator of intuitive abilities
of biolocation operators the harder its destruction
and death, then the higher percentage of guessing
Zener cards by probationers as biolocation operators.
Whether the biological object used as biological
initiator of intuitive abilities of biolocation operators
is functionally incomplete or has chronic diseases or
intoxications or mechanism of its death is transient,
then the lower percentage of guessing by probationers
as biolocation operators.
In order to facilitate statistical processing of obtained
data at the moment of adjustment of magnetic
inductors the authors have developed a special software
In the work the authors used a conventional
generator of magnetic impulses of “Gradient” type
equipped with current breaker in the chain of magnetic
inductors modified for separate adjusting parameters
of N-S inductors and conjugated with computer
control program and sound card.
The claimed method was tested by the authors
during medical biolocation diagnostics with the purpose
to determine possibilities of diagnosis verification
of patients with oncopathology confirmed on
surgical table and prognosis of lifetime of the patients
tested (cancer of stomach, breast, head of pancreas,
uterus and lungs). These researches were performed
in pathologoanatomic building of Omsk Medicine -46-
Academy by lecturer of the chair of topographical
anatomy and operative surgery But Y.S.
Obtained increasing of reliability of biolocation
studies using the claimed method allowed authors to
successfully test it upon guessing winning numbers
of cash and prize lotteries. Number of winnings in
the group of probationers subjected to influence of
magnetic field in the presence of a biological initiator
(corpse material) was 3.7 times higher than in
control group.
1. Method of increasing reliability of biolocation
studies by influence on both hemispheres of the brain
of the biolocation operator by impulse low-frequency
unipolar magnetic field with parameters adjustable
by the operator himself, provided that between one
of field sources and temporal region of the operator
the biological indicator of his intuitive abilities in
the form of a biological system, biological object or
components thereof in the initial phase of irreversible
changes, inevitably ended by destruction and death
of the used biological initiator, is placed; and the
work of the biolocation operator shall be synchronized
with the moment of maximum destruction of
biological initiator.
2. Method as in clause 1 differing by selection
of biological initiators of high-level specific and biological
organization actively functioning before start
of the initial phase of destruction and by using methods
of destruction of biological initiators with rough
prolonged phases of their final death.