MAIKONG Metatron 4025 Hunter,3d nls sub health analyzer factory

Bio Ethical Dilemmas


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3 Bio Ethical 3d nls espa?a Dilemmas

Hippocrates was a remarkable man in the history of medicine. He was an ancient Greek physician born in 460BC. Hippocrates

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is also known as the Father of Western Medicine. Hippocrates once said, “Nobody should willingly cause any preventable human suffering or harm, These words are actually the core and basic truth of medical ethics.

Over two 3d nls espa?a thousand years ago, Hippocrates knew that there are no perfect people. He knew that men can be great. In spite of this, he also knew what men are capable of. He 3d nls espa?a exceedingly opposes those who recklessly harm 3d nls espa?a people. He is hesitant to give drugs that he knew will just harm people. Having that said, many considered Hippocrates as the first bio ethicist.

Let us differentiate law and bioethics before we proceed. Law comes from the administration whereas bio ethics comes in two sources. First is personal ethics and the second one is professional ethics. The first one relies on the person’s distinctive morals and values. Professional ethics on the other hand are set by professional organization board. They are generally accepted by people 3d nls espa?a practicing the profession. Without standards, anyone can practice medicine, administer drugs and perform medical interventions. Misdiagnosis, malpractice and even fatality can take place. Certainly, life is valuable. To protect man’s presence, health care professionals must know their worth and understand how important they are in the improvement of life.

Like the other profession, medical assistants too 3d nls espa?a are facing bio ethical dilemmas at work. Some people do not realize that practicing medical assisting is not just organizing the clinical setting, caring for patients and memorizing the 3d nls espa?a human anatomy. To be a skilled and medical assistanats, one must know how to act in an ethical demeanor. The code of ethics of the American Association of Medical Assistants or (AAMA) is responsible for providing guidance and supervision to medical assistants as to what is right and wrong in this specific field of practice. They are rather concern on doing the right thing at the right point in time.

Every medical assistant professional must appreciate that confidentiality is very important especially in health care. There are certain 3d nls espa?a bylaws that dictate the patient medical records. It is important to find out that each patient interaction with the patient is classified. This includes conversation and treatment management. Also, there are times when the patients will disclose personal

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matters and their most intimate feelings and fears. As respect to the profession, take note that these pieces of information is not for public knowledge. Then, gossips about the patient’s history and medical needs are not acceptable.

Accepting one has done wrong can be difficult. However, when it comes to health care, practicing openness is a must because just one error can cause the patient’s life. Also, failure to admit mistakes can cause potential lawsuits and threat to the organization.

No one is perfect and there is no perfect career. The three scenarios given above are just some of the most common bio ethical dilemmas that medical assistants face. Yes, they can be nerve wrecking. But knowing the rules and where one stands in the profession will help avoid such situations 3d nls espa?a.


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