MAIKONG Metatron 4025 Hunter,3d nls sub health analyzer factory

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What is 3d nls health analyzer?

3d nls health analyzer manual

3d nls health analyzer manual

3d nls health analyzer manual

3d nls health analyzer manual

3d nls health analyzer manual

3d nls health analyzer manual

3d nls health analyzer manual

3d nls health analyzer manual

What is Magnetspace 3d nls health analyzerBiophysical Device-The device 3d nls health analyzerallows us to quickly measure the current energy state of the entire human body without any adverseside effects, then draw the necessary conclusions, and learn about the risk of certain diseases. In addition, the 3d nls health analyzeris suitable for mapping the presence of various bacteria, viruses, parasitic fungi, parasites, and unicellular organisms;and to detect whether these pathogens are active in the body.
The device includes additional useful functions. It is suitable, among others, for preparing personalized information products (these work like homeopathic products) as well as for conducting an information therapy – Meta Therapy.

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The device is also suitable for predicting possible abnormalities of homeostasis, selecting diet related health promotion programs, and identifying the vibration pattern of the most appropriate medication or nutritional supplement for the person being examined. The effectiveness of the selected products may be measured in advance by testing vegetative reactions (vegeto-test). The “electronic pharmacy” that is the reference information module contains more than 10,000 spectrograms (vibration patterns). This allows the selection and the instant preparation of a personalized information product that will work the most effectively and efficiently.
The process of analysis is simple.
Since the electrical activity of the vegetative structure of the brain is unavailable, the vegetative brain formulas are activated by sound, electromagnetic vibrations (through the headphones), and visual stimulation.
Visual activators support permanent and intensive changes in relation to a certain organ. The system amplifies the signals coming from the brain, then converts them into a digital code making it suitable for enteringit into the computer in the form of information. The procedure is indicated on the anatomical illustration of the examined organ with the corresponding colored symbols.
The color and the location of the symbols on the illustrations depend on the intensity of signals coming from the brain.They reflect the health state of the body, more specifically the various stages of stress functioning, and also refer to the already obvious pathological changes.
The next stage of the rapid test involves an energy audit. The basis of the audit is that the program compares the vibrations corresponding to the various diseases, the so-called etalon processes stored in the computer’s memory, with the current information received from the person being examined. The program allows us to approach the energy diagnosis in different ways, including variance analysis, entropy analysis, multivariate or linear analysis, and graphical representation (the program compares the graphical representation of the virtual models of the diseases with the data of the examined person). The program is able to analyze not only the entire body at the anatomical and histological level, but also allows the individual intersections and the interaction between them to be examined.

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The reliability of the health check is guaranteed by 5 different positions. The closer the information received from the examined person is to the virtual model of the disease, the greater is the accuracy and the reliability of the results. Considering that 4 symbols of the 6 that are used in the program indicate some state of functioning, we can say that the device allows us to determine the development of pathological processes already in the initial stages.
In the next stage of the health check (rapid test), with the help of the program you can choose from the vibrational pictures of various products (allopathic and homeopathic products, nutritional supplements, herbs). The program also specifies which of the products in the database are the most suitable for improving the condition of a given organ. This is made for each patient individually, taking into consideration one’s state of health. The device is able to test automatically whether a product is suitable for a given patient or not. In addition to the thousands of products stored in the database of the program, you can test vibrations of any other product by placing the product into the magneto-optical chamber of the device (external vegeto-test).
If the given product can improve the overall condition of the body, the product may be recommended for use for the patient. Using the biophysical NLS method, it is possible to prepare the so-called spectronosodes, which reflect the vibration pattern of the given product, and can affect a certain organ at the information level.
The program provides a huge amount of statistical data on the distribution of the various nosological forms of diseases according to age groups and gender. This allows us to retrieve and process essential information even if we only know the gender and the age of the patient.
The hardware-software unit can be used efficiently by both doctors of academic (western) medicine .

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How 3d nls health analyzer work?

How Does 3d nls health analyzer NLS Biofeedback Work?-3d nls health analyzer NLS Biofeedback utilizes electro-dermal sensors to measure Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR), also referred to as Electro-Dermal Response (EDR). GSR measures mild electrical impulses on the surface of our skin, which change due to moisture. The moisture of the skin changes according to the body’s degree of stress and/or relaxation. There is a direct relationship between sympathetic nervous activity and emotional arousal. GSR is so sensitive it can even measure fluctuations in emotional states; think about the lie detector, for example.

3d nls health analyzer NLS Biofeedback instruments measure muscle activity, skin temperature, electrodermal activity (sweat gland activity), respiration, heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure, brain electrical activity and blood flow. There are many types of biofeedback: GSR, EEG, CAT scan, MRI, etc. These technologies are able to capture the bodies’ analog electrical signals and translate those signals into meaningful information through complex algorithmic software that a technician can then decipher.

Research shows that biofeedback, alone and in combination with other behavioral therapies, is effective for treating a variety of medical and psychological disorders. 3d nls health analyzer NLS Biofeedback is currently used by physicians, nurses, psychologists, counselors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, a host of other professionals and laypeople alike.

In 1987, Schneider found that 3d nls health analyzer NLS Biofeedback is effective in reducing physician visits, medication usage, duration and frequency of hospital stays, as well as reducing mortality and enhancing quality of life.

Studies by Jonas and Levin show 3d nls health analyzer NLS Biofeedback as an ideal intervention for patients who demand:

l Gentler, less toxic and less invasive first line interventions

l More integrative and alternative therapeutic options

l More information and choice in making the best possible decisions for their care

l More participation and involvement in their treatment

Leading doctors and scientists are now viewing biofeedback, in its aspect of being a psycho-educational therapy, stating: “One of the most fundamental and critically necessary strategies for reducing long term health care costs and improving health and quality of life is appropriate, timely, psychological and educational interventions.”\

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How Meta therapy work?

The cells from a tissue have the capacity of emitting bio-fields, with the same physical characteristics.
They resonate with great ease, thus a tissue or a functional organ is characterized through the synchronicity of its cells.
They can enter into resonance with any other interior or exterior
field, if their physical dimensions are compatible. These fields are malleable, hence their preservation and edification participates mostly to the dipole water molecules.
The limits of variability are thus not great.
Water molecules constitutes the essential elements in the edification and malleability of the cellular bio-field. These molecules are structural, yet their alteration in any way leads to the death of the cellular system, as a group “with a single element” from the crowd theory.
Through the influence of the bio-fields, water molecules can form spatial structures, which are engrams of the principle bio-field. Water can form as many engrams as fields that exist in the universe.
Isolated and photographed water crystals by Japanese researchers leave no doubt in this sense.
A similar structure acts as a liquid crystal containing the
information and the vehicle of information. The information contained in a water crystal can be “read” by any structure that possesses the capacity of recreating the initial generator field.
The decoding is a resonance process, while the resonator can be placed at a distance of the codifier.
The capacity of generating fields is general, but certain cells, such as neurons, possess a “high specialization”.
Some of these fields function at low frequencies, between 4 and 12 Hz.
The fields with frequencies over 150,000 Hz are just intuited and not characterized as having a physiological significance. The capacity of generating these fields is characteristic of all cells derived from the neural tube, including the endocrine cells. Homeostasis is genetically inscribed as a hologram in all the decisional areas of the central nervous system (CNS), somatic or vegetative.

From this point of view, any diseased state is a different hologram, outside the admissible limits of the normal hologram.An abnormal hologram tends to be corrected by the neuro-endocrine coordination. The incapacity of correcting, regardless of the cause (central or peripheral), leads to the appearance of clinical disease.

The afferent and efferent signs have intermediary states on their trajectory, which function as resonators. The primary signal interferes with the signals received from the resonators, the result being a modulation in frequency, of a wave impulse type.

The 3d nls health analyzer device intercepts certain characteristics of the biofield, such as the electro-magnetic type.
Thus, received information is compared with the stored data in the memory and suggests the similitude of modified fields in certain disease states.
In fact, the equipment performs a spectral analysis of the magnetic field of any biological structure.
The fundamental principle in the development of the equipment is as follows: the human organism has an informational electromagnetic imprint that is capable of interfering with external electromagnetic stimuli.

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A tissue that emits a cellular frequency that is characteristic of the individual who is tested.
Finally, the system stabilizes the grade of similarity with a standard cell/tissue, healthy or pathologically modified.
The 3d nls health analyzer device also has the capacity of generating corrector fields that act as similar pattern as the ancestral ones, including the individual’s genetic code.
These corrector fields can have an action upon the following:

On the superior nervous centers and endocrine glands
On the resonators
On the cells, tissues and organs

Thus, the applied “electromagnetic treatment” can correct the electromagnetic behavior of the treated tissue, thus it can bring back the biochemical reactions to a level that corresponds to a normal tissue.

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